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  1. Isochrones @ University of Innsbruck: Nikolaus Krismer and Günther Specht work on isochrones.

  2. SimpleFleet Demo: This demo uses isochrones to analyze the impact of live traffic to the reachability of customers and households from specific locations in Vienna and Berlin. This work is done in the context of the EU-Project SimpleFleet.

  3. TravelTime platform: Compute isochrones for different transportation modes; by iGeolise Ltd, London.

  4. Roads To Rome: A demo that uses isochrones to analyze reachability.

  5. ISO4APP: Isochrones - Isodistances: The Iso4App API is a service of the K-SOL S.r.l. based onto OSM data; it's purpose is to provide isolines (isodistances and isochrones) to be used in geographic analysis.

  6. Mapnificent, Mapnificent: The application computes the isochrones using exclusively the data of Google Transit. Starting from the query point it searches the closest located bus stations. For each bus station it computes the cost of its predecessor and draws a circle having as radius the remaining distance. The application is implemented in JavaScript using the new tecnologies Html-Canvas and Web-Worker. A technical description is in his blog

  7. CommonSpace: This application is implemented from a commercial company in Philadelphia using a distributed system to make it scalable.

  8. CACI

  9. OpenTripPlanner more than a routing system. OpenTripPlanner Analyst is an extension that calculates isochrone very similar than we do. Check out the demo.

  10. My society travel maps

  11. Isochrones using Google Maps

  12. Isochrones in Rapperswill. A student at the Swiss University Rapperswill did his bachelor thesis. Pdf version.

  13. PG-Routing: a postscript implementation for SP and reachability queries.

  14. Isochrones: Analysis of Local Geographic Markets

  15. Hacon: Commercial tool for reachability queries

  16. Isochrones in OpenStreetMap