PhD Theses
Giovanni Mahlknecht: Temporal Aggregation for Data Analytics
PhD thesis 2020, advised by Johann Gamper and Anton Dignös. -
David B. Blumenthal: New techniques for graph edit distance computation
PhD thesis 2019, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Michael Shekelyan: Reliable Multidimensional Data Summaries Using Histograms
PhD thesis 2018, advised by Johann Gamper and Anton Dignös. -
Theodoros Chondrogiannis: Efficient Algorithms for Route Planning Problems on Road Networks
PhD thesis 2017, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Daniel Taliun: Efficient Whole Genome Haplotype Block Partitioning using Linkage Disequilibrium
PhD thesis 2015, advised by Johann Gamper and Cristian Pattaro. -
Bruno Cadonna: Sequenced Event Set Pattern Matching
PhD thesis 2013, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Markus Innerebner: Isochrones in Multimodal Spatial Networks
PhD thesis 2013, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Juozas Gordevicius: Summarizing Temporal Data with Approximate Temporal Aggregation and Ranking
PhD thesis 2010, advised by Johann Gamper and Michael H. Böhlen.
MSc Theses
Aditya Iftikar Riaddy: A Greedy Algorithm for Ingredient Substitution using a Graph-Based Recipe Model
MSc thesis 2024, advised by Anton Dignös and Johann Gamper. -
Marcelo Eduardo Redoschi: Extraction of Time Series Features from Heterogeneous Data
MSc thesis 2023, advised by Anton Dignös. -
Claudio Contini: Synthetic generation of realistic time series
MSc thesis 2022, advised by Matteo Ceccarello. -
Xiaozhe Yao: Implementing Learned Cardinality Estimation in a Database Systems Context
MSc thesis 2022 (University of Zurich), advised by Michael H. Böhlen (UZH), Anton Dignös, and Qing Chen (UZH). -
Kostas Tzoumpas: Reconstruction of multivariate time series in a smart city context using Deep Learning models
MSc thesis 2021, advised by Matteo Ceccarello and Miraglio Pietro. -
Ibrahim Al Hazwani: Brickable: an NLP pipeline for LEGO® centered forum
MSc thesis 2021, advised by Mouna Kacimi and Matteo Ceccarello. -
Philipp Rassele: Visual Analysis of Health and Disease Data in the CHRIS Study
MSc thesis 2021, advised by Johann Gamper and Christian Fuchsberger. -
Aristea Ibershimi: A Data Warehouse Solution to Support the Analysis of Amazon Seller Data
MSc thesis 2021, advised by Johann Gamper and Anton Dignös. -
Alessandro Dal Gobbo: An Analytical Software for Amazon Sellers
MSc thesis 2021, advised by Johann Gamper and Anton Dignös. -
Silvia Fracalossi: Time Series Data Management: An Analysis of Databases for a Use Case of Industrial Printers' Sensor Data
MSc thesis 2020, advised by Anton Dignös and Johann Gamper. -
Jamal Mohammed: Transfer Learning for Failure Prediction using Approximately Bayesian Ensembling of Neural Networks
MSc thesis 2020, advised by Johann Gamper and Anton Dignös. -
Pratheesh Kumar Murugesan: Eye-Tracking in Dashboards: Analysis of User Behaviour
MSc thesis 2020, advised by Matteo Ceccarello. -
Onyango Edgar Obare: Using Leap Motion for Gesture-Based Querying of Cultural Assets
MSc thesis 2018, advised by Sven Helmer. -
Peter Moser: Range Merge Joins for Temporal Data
MSc thesis 2017, advised by Johann Gamper and Anton Dignös. -
Stuefer Manuel: Applying Decision Theory Techniques on Selection Ordering
MSc thesis 2017, advised by Sven Helmer. -
Mitterer Hannes: Efficient Missing Value Imputation and Outlier Detection in continuous streams of Time Series Data
MSc thesis 2016, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Sukvietyte Viktorija: A Relational Implementation of Multimodal Road Networks
MSc thesis 2016, advised by Johann Gamper and Chondrogiannis Theodoros. -
Julian Prenner: Optimizing the Performance of mruby's RiteVM.
MSc thesis 2015, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Kevin Wellenzohn: Imputation of Missing Values in Highly Correlated Streams of Time Series Data
MSc thesis 2015, advised by Johann Gamper and Anton Dignös. -
Giovanni Mahlknecht : Optimizing the computation of parsimonious temporal aggregation queries
MSc thesis 2015, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Monika Agnieszka Tomkowicz: Frost Prediction in Apple Orchards Based Upon Time Series Models
MSc thesis 2014, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Johnnes Erschbamer : Adjusting the Layout to the Interface Orientation in NetSnips
MSc thesis 2013, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Andreas Heinisch : Parallel Computation of Ad-hoc Multi-Dimensional Aggregates.
MSc thesis 2013, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Philipp Hofer: Large-Scale Temporal Aggregation Using MapReduce.
MSc thesis 2013, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Thomas Gummerer: Designing a Fast Index Format for Git
MSc thesis 2013, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Christian Ammendola: Late Initialization for Theta-Constrained Multi-Dimensional Aggregation.
MSc thesis 2011, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Gytis Tumas: A Heuristic Itinerary Planning Approach for Objects With Time Constraints
MSc thesis 2011, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Anton Dignös: Temporal Unification in Database Management Systems
MSc thesis 2010, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Daniel Taliun: Data Indexing for the Interactive Visualization of Genome-Wide Association Studies.
MSc thesis 2010, advised by Johann Gamper and Christian Fuchsberger. -
Sarunas Marciuska: The Allocation of Dynamic Objects Within an Isochrone
MSc thesis 2010, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Komskis Vaidas: An Experimental Evaluation of Tree Edit Distance Algorithms
MSc thesis 2010, advised by Nikolaus Augsten.
BSc Theses
Lucia Maninetti: A Relational Database Model for Storing and Querying Biological Trait Data
BSc thesis 2023, advised by Johann Gamper and Ozan Kahramanogullari. -
Deivid Bardhi: Predictive Maintenance for Industrial Equipment - an Experimental Evaluation
BSc thesis 2022, advised by Anton Dignös and Johann Gamper. -
Francesco Piccoli: Interactive exploration of time series through motif discovery
BSc thesis 2021, advised by Matteo Ceccarello and Johann Gamper. -
Thomas Mannhart: A General-purpose Range Join Algorithm for PostgreSQL
BSc thesis 2020 (University of Zurich), advised by Michael H. Böhlen (UZH) and Anton Dignös. -
Manuel Pillon: Optimising Energy Efficiency of Pumping Stations
BSc thesis 2020, advised by Anton Dignös. -
Ulrike Niederstätter: User-Friendly Data Analytics: An Interactive Map of South Tyrol to Visualise & Analyse Hail-Damage
BSc thesis 2020, advised by Anton Dignös and Johann Gamper. -
Daniel Summerer: A Business Application for Automatizing the Creation of Offers for Electrical Systems
BSc thesis 2020, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Anna Debiasi: Time Series Resampling: A first Step towards the Implementation of an Automatic Anomaly Detection System
BSc thesis 2020, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Andriy Polulyakh: Anomaly detection in time series data using one-class classifier
BSc thesis 2020, advised by Anton Dignös and Johann Gamper. -
Christian Roggia: How to extract frame sequences in the manga context
BSc thesis 2020, advised by Fabio Persia. -
Giovanni Capone: Routing Problems and Solutions
BSc thesis 2019, advised by Fabio Persia. -
Elisa Vogl: SmartChain - Development and design of a booking platform in the hotel industry
BSc thesis 2019, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Werner Sperandio: CiteLink: a Software Tool for Finding Missing Citations in Scopus
BSc thesis 2019, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Burgio Giulia: Video Similarity Analysis based on MPEG-7 Visual Features
BSc thesis 2018, advised by Sven Helmer. -
Fracalossi Silvia: Wequal, a web project for the multidimensional environmental quality monitoring related to green infrastructures' construction
BSc thesis 2018, advised by Sven Helmer. -
Grabocka Mikel: A Best-Child Best-Silbling Search Strategy for Orienteering with Category Constraints
BSc thesis 2018, advised by Sven Helmer. -
Nardini Matteo: Docker as a service on the blockchain
BSc thesis 2018, advised by Sven Helmer. -
Gelsi Roberto: Correcting and Improving the Supplier Rating System at GKN Sinter Metals
BSc thesis 2017, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Bellon Romeo: Tcpcrypt, towards a macOS network kernel extension implementation
BSc thesis 2017, advised by Sven Helmer. -
Roggia Matteo: Embedding NoSQL Query Functionality into the Ethereum blockchain
BSc thesis 2017, advised by Sven Helmer. -
Andriy Tyyko: OnePMS : a system to support the Asset Servicing Business
BSc thesis 2017, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Matthias Keim: Automated Traffic Sign Recognition for Street Videos
BSc thesis 2017, advised by Anton Dignös. -
Nicola Giorgi: Design and Implementation of a Web Application for the Production Management of Snow-Machines
BSc thesis 2016, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Ciprian Ettore: Discovering related terms on a large Solr document database
BSc thesis 2015, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Lunger Christine: Computing all paths between two locations with a maximal time budget
BSc thesis 2015, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Tobias Bernard: Interactive Visualization of Temperature Data Over Time
BSc thesis 2015, advised by Johann Gamper and Anton Dignös. -
Daniela Geiser: Entwicklung eines Moduls zur Verwaltung des Obstbestandes in Ombis
BSc thesis 2015, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Luca Bellettati: A time-dependent data model for multi-modal networks.
BSc thesis 2015, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Sonia Frei: Purchase information system implementation for the Cockpit portal
BSc thesis 2014, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Benjamin Gruber: Interactive Computation of Isochrones
BSc thesis 2014, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Florian Michaeler: A Graphical User Interface : for Sequenced Event Set Pattern Matching
BSc thesis 2013, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Kevin Wellenzohn: An Efficient Heuristic for Orienteering with Categories
BSc thesis 2013, advised by Johann Gamper and Sven Helmer. -
Manuel Stuefer: COMINO : efficient shortest path computation in multimodal networks for smarter mobility
BSc thesis 2013, advised by Johann Gamper and Sven Helmer. -
Myriam Viertler: A Comparative Analysis of QlikView and Oracle Business Intelligence Suite
BSc thesis 2012, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Shogoufah Mohammad Akram: A Comparison of Different Implementations of Temporal Coalescing in Relational Database Systems
BSc thesis 2012, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Patrick Clara: Optimizing the MicroMet Preprocessor for the Temporal Interpolation of Seasonal Time Series Data
BSc thesis 2012, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Michael Gurschler: Compression of Time Series Data Using Multiple Granularities
BSc thesis 2011, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Patrizia Gufler: A Business Intelligence Solution for an Urban Utility Company
BSc thesis 2011, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Philipp Hofer: Extending the Bitemporal DBMS Tiger
BSc thesis 2011, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Peterpaul Klammer: A Tool for Converting Public Transport Schedules
BSc thesis 2011, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Michael Mairegger: Implementation of a scheduling component in a production management system
BSc thesis 2011, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Dejori Michael: Clinical Data Warehousing with QlikView: A Case Study
BSc thesis 2010, advised by Johann Gamper. -
Villscheider Andreas: Efficient Joins With Reference Sets
BSc thesis 2010, advised by Nikolaus Augsten.
Paper accepted at the EDBT PhD Workshop
The paper "Integrating Heterogeneous Contextual Data for Enhanced Time Series Analysis" by S. Burero has been accepted at the EDBT PhD Workshop in Barcelona, Spain.
Anton Dignös appointed PC Co-Chair of DaWak 2025
Anton has been appointed PC Co-Chair of DaWak 2025 in Bangkok, Thailand.
Book chapter published in Synthetic Promoters
The book chapter "Chemical Reaction Models in Synthetic Promoter Design in Bacteria" by O. Kahramanogullari has been published in Synthetic Promoters. [link]
Demo accepted at VLDB 2024
The demo paper "SEER: An End-to-End Toolkit for Benchmarking Time Series Database Systems in Monitoring Applications" by L. Althaus, M. Khayati, A. Khelifati, A. Dignös, D. Difallah, and P. Cudre-Mauroux has been accepted for publication at VLDB 2024 in Guangzhou, China.
Presentation accepted at ISBRA 2024
Our paper "Causal Analysis in Bio-pathways via Stochastically Simulated Perturbations" by O. Kahramanogullari, A. Dignös, and J. Gamper has been accepted for presentation at ISBRA 2024 in Kunming, China.
Paper accepted in ACM Computing Surveys
Our paper "Self-tuning Database Systems: A Systematic Literature Review of Automatic Schema Design and Tuning" by M. Mozaffari, A. Dignös, J. Gamper, and U. Störl has been accepted for publication in ACM Computing Surveys.
Paper accepted at DAWAK 2024
Our paper "Comparison of Measures for Characterizing the Difficulty of Time Series Classification" by A. Charane, M. Ceccarello, and J. Gamper has been accepted for publication at DAWAK 2024 in Naples, Italy.
Paper accepted at DAWAK 2024
Our paper "QPAVE: A Multi-task Question Answering Approach for Fine-Grained Product Attribute Value Extraction" by K. Sabeh, M. Kacimi, and J. Gamper has been accepted for publication at DAWAK 2024 in Naples, Italy.
Paper accepted in Information Systems Frontiers
Our paper "Efficiently labeling and retrieving temporal anomalies in relational databases" by C. Khnaisser, H. Hamrouni, D. B. Blumenthal, A. Dignös, and J. Gamper has been accepted for publication in Information Systems Frontiers.
Paper accepted at LPAR 2024
Our paper "Proof Search in Deep Inference: The Need for Shallow Inference" by O. Kahramanogullari has been accepted for publication at LPAR 2024 in Port Louis, Mauritius.
Paper accepted at DASFAA 2024
Our paper "Parallel Processing of Temporal Anti-Joins in Memory" by I. Reppas, M. Mirabi, L. Fathi, C. Binnig, A. Dignös, and J. Gamper has been accepted for publication at DASFAA 2024 in Gifu, Japan.
Paper accepted at DOLAP 2024
Our paper "Shapelets Evaluation using Silhouettes for Time Series Classification" by A. Charane, M. Ceccarello, and J. Gamper has been accepted for publication at DOLAP 2024 in Paestum, Italy.
Best Paper Award at SSDBM 2023
Our paper "Indexing Temporal Relations for Range-Duration Queries" by M. Ceccarello, A. Dignös, J. Gamper, and C. Khnaisser has been selected for the best paper award at SSDBM 2023 in Los Angeles, CA, USA. Congratulations!
Paper accepted at VLDB 2023
Our paper "TSM-Bench: Benchmarking Time Series Database Systems for Monitoring Applications" by A. Khelifati, M. Khayati, A. Dignös, D. Difallah, and P. Cudre-Mauroux has been accepted for publication at VLDB 2023 in Vancouver, Canada.
Best Paper Award at ADBIS 2022
Our paper "Querying Temporal Anomalies in Healthcare Information Systems and Beyond" by C. Khnaisser, H. Hamrouni, D. B. Blumenthal, A. Dignös, and J. Gamper has been selected for the best paper award at ADBIS 2022 in Torino, Italy. Congratulations!
Paper accepted at VLDB 2023
Our paper "Fast and Scalable Mining of Time Series Motifs with Probabilistic Guarantees" by M. Ceccarello and J. Gamper has been accepted for publication at VLDB 2023 in Vancouver, Canada.
Paper accepted in Information Sciences
Our paper "Enumerating dissimilar minimum cost perfect and error-correcting bipartite matchings for robust data matching" by D. B. Blumenthal, S. Bougleux, A. Dignös and J. Gamper has been accepted in Information Sciences. [link]
Paper published in The Journal of Supercomputing
Our paper "APT-Dt-KC: advanced persistent threat detection based on kill-chain model" by M. Panahnejad and M. Mirabi has been published in The Journal of Supercomputing. [link]
Former PhD student David B. Blumenthal won the best PhD student award
We congratulate our former PhD student David B. Blumenthal for winning the best PhD student award from the Faculty of Computer Science of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano for the year 2020. Congratulations David!
Paper published in The Journal of Supercomputing
Our paper "Controller placement in software defined networks using multi-objective antlion algorithm" by M. M. Kazemian and M. Mirabi has been published in The Journal of Supercomputing. [link]
Paper accepted in The VLDB Journal
Our paper "Leveraging Range Joins for the Computation of Overlap Joins" by A. Dignös, M. H. Böhlen, J. Gamper, C. S. Jensen and P. Moser has been accepted for publication in The VLDB Journal.
Paper published in The Journal of Supercomputing
Our paper "Efficient XML data placement schemes over multiple mobile wireless broadcast channels" by S. F. Ozonbolagh and M. Mirabi has been published in The Journal of Supercomputing. [link]
Paper accepted in Information Systems
Our paper "The Role of Local Dimensionality Measures in Benchmarking Nearest Neighbor Search" by M. Ceccarello and Martin Aumüller has been accepted for publication in Information Systems.
Paper accepted in Information Systems
Our paper "Scalable generalized median graph estimation and its manifold use in bioinformatics, clustering, classification, and indexing" by D. B. Blumenthal, N. Boria, S. Bougleux, L. Brun, J. Gamper and B. Gaüzère has been accepted for publication in Information Systems.
Demo accepted at EDBT 2021
Our demo paper "Correlation graph analytics for stock time series data" by T. Liu, P. Coletti, A. Dignös, J. Gamper and M. Murgia has been accepted for publication at EDBT 2021 in Nicosia, Cyprus.
Paper accepted in The VLDB Journal
Our paper "Cache-Efficient Sweeping-Based Interval Joins for Extended Allen Relation Predicates" by D. Piatov, S. Helmer, A. Dignös, and F. Persia has been accepted for publication in The VLDB Journal.
Paper accepted at ICDE 2021
Our research paper "Approximating multidimensional range counts with maximum error guarantees" by M. Shekelyan, A. Dignös, J. Gamper, and M. Garofalakis has been accepted for publication at ICDE 2021 in Chania, Greece.
Paper published in TKDD
Our paper "A General Coreset-Based Approach to Diversity Maximization under Matroid Constraints" by M. Ceccarello, A. Pietracaprina, and G. Pucci has been published in ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data. [link]
Johann Gamper Demo Co-Chair of ICDE 2021
Johann has been appointed Demo Co-Chair of ICDE 2021 in Chania, Crete, Greece.
Johann Gamper re-nominated Vice-Rector of unibz
We congratulate Johann for being re-nominated vice-rector for research and innovation at unibz. [more]
PhD defense of Giovani Mahlknecht
Giovani successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Temporal Aggregation for Data Analytics". Congratulations Giovanni!
Paper accepted in The VLDB Journal
Our paper "Finding k-Shortest Paths with Limited Overlap" by T. Chondrogiannis, P. Bouros, J. Gamper, U. Leser, and D. B. Blumenthal has been accepted for publication in The VLDB Journal.
Paper accepted in Future Generation Computer Systems
Our paper "Improving orienteering-based tourist trip planning with social sensing" by F. Persia, G. Pilato, M. Ge, P. Bolzoni, D. D'Auria, and S. Helmer has been accepted for publication in Future Generation Computer Systems.
PhD defense of David B. Blumenthal
David successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "New Techniques for Graph Edit Distance Computation". Congratulations David!
Paper accepted at SSTD 2019
Our research paper "Period Index: A Learned 2D Hash Index for Range and Duration Queries" by A. Behrend, A. Dignös, J. Gamper, P. Schmiegelt, H. Voigt, M. Rottmann, and K. Kahl has been accepted for publication at SSTD 2019 in Vienna, Austria.
Demo accepted at SSTD 2019
Our demo paper "HOTPERIODS: Visual Correlation Analysis of Interval Data" by N. Duran, G. Mahlknecht, A. Dignös and J. Gamper has been accepted for publication at SSTD 2019 in Vienna, Austria.
Paper accepted in The VLDB Journal
Our paper "Comparing heuristics for graph edit distance computation" by D. B. Blumenthal, N. Boria, J. Gamper, S. Bougleux, and L. Brun has been accepted for publication in The VLDB Journal.
Paper accepted at GbRPR 2019
Our paper "GEDLIB: A C++ Library for Graph Edit Distance Computation" by D. B. Blumenthal, S. Bougleux, J. Gamper, and L. Brun has been accepted for publication at GbRPR 2019 in Tours, France. Check out the code here.
Paper accepted at VLDB 2019
Our paper "Snapshot semantics for temporal mutliset relations" by A. Dignös, B. Glavic, X. Niu, J. Gamper, and M. H. Böhlen has been accepted for publication at VLDB 2019 in Los Angeles, USA.
Johann Gamper nominated Vice-Rector of unibz
We congratulate Johann for being nominated vice-rector for research and innovation at unibz. [more]
SSDBM 2018 in Bozen-Bolzano
We successfully concluded the SSDBM in Bozen-Bolzano. Pictures of the conference and mountain tour are available here.