This page contains the publication record of all group members and former group members from 2010 until the last year they have been working in the group. The data is periodically imported from dblp. If you cannot access a file you are interested in, please, feel free to contact us.


Joe Tekli, Johann Gamper, Richard Chbeir, Yannis Manolopoulos, Salma Sassi, Mirjana Ivanovic, Genoveva Vargas-Solar, Ester Zumpano:
New Trends in Database and Information Systems - ADBIS 2024 Short Papers, Workshops, Doctoral Consortium and Tutorials, Bayonne, France, August 28-31, 2024, Proceedings. Communications in Computer and Information Science 2186, Springer 2025.
Matteo Ceccarello, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper, Christina Khnaisser:
Indexing temporal relations for range-duration queries. Distributed Parallel Databases 43(1): 7 (2025).

Joe Tekli, Johann Gamper, Richard Chbeir, Yannis Manolopoulos:
Advances in Databases and Information Systems - 28th European Conference, ADBIS 2024, Bayonne, France, August 28-31, 2024, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14918, Springer 2024.
Giovanni Pagliarini, Andrea Paradiso, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
On Modal Logic Formulae Minimization. CILC 2024.
Ioannis Reppas, Meghdad Mirabi, Leila Fathi, Carsten Binnig, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper:
Parallel Processing of Temporal Anti-Joins in Memory. DASFAA (1) 2024: 86-102.
Adam Charane, Matteo Ceccarello, Johann Gamper:
Comparison of Measures for Characterizing the Difficulty of Time Series Classification. DaWaK 2024: 239-244.
Kassem Sabeh, Mouna Kacimi, Johann Gamper:
QPAVE: A Multi-task Question Answering Approach for Fine-Grained Product Attribute Value Extraction. DaWaK 2024: 331-345.
Adam Charane, Matteo Ceccarello, Johann Gamper:
Shapelets Evaluation using Silhouettes for Time Series Classification. DOLAP 2024: 36-44.
Mauro Milella, Giovanni Pagliarini, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
ModalFP-Growth: Efficient Extraction of Modal Association Rules from Non-Tabular Data. ICTCS 2024: 241-254.
Ozan Kahramanogullari:
Deep Inference in Proof Search: The Need for Shallow Inference. LPAR 2024: 370-389.
Giovanni Pagliarini, Edoardo Ponsanesi, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
Towards Modern Rule-Based Learning. OVERLAY 2024: 83-88.
Guillermo Badia, Carles Noguera, Alberto Paparella, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
Fitting's Style Many-Valued Interval Temporal Logic Tableau System: Theory and Implementation. TIME 2024: 7:1-7:16.
Francesca Bugiotti, Johann Gamper, Genoveva Vargas-Solar, Ester Zumpano:
Guest editorial: Selected papers from the European conference on advances in databases and information systems. Comput. Sci. Inf. Syst. 21(4): ix (2024).
Kassem Sabeh, Robert Litschko, Mouna Kacimi, Barbara Plank, Johann Gamper:
An Empirical Comparison of Generative Approaches for Product Attribute-Value Identification. CoRR abs/2407.01137 (2024).
Kassem Sabeh, Mouna Kacimi, Johann Gamper, Robert Litschko, Barbara Plank:
Exploring Large Language Models for Product Attribute Value Identification. CoRR abs/2409.12695 (2024).
Maryam Mozaffari, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper, Uta Störl:
Self-tuning Database Systems: A Systematic Literature Review of Automatic Database Schema Design and Tuning. ACM Comput. Surv. 56(11): 277:1-277:37 (2024).
Robert Wrembel, Johann Gamper:
Data analytics and knowledge discovery on big data: Algorithms, architectures, and applications. Data Knowl. Eng. 150: 102279 (2024).
Giovanni Pagliarini, Simone Scaboro, Giuseppe Serra, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
Neural-symbolic temporal decision trees for multivariate time series classification. Inf. Comput. 301: 105209 (2024).
Sara Sottile, Ozan Kahramanogullari, Mattia Sensi:
How network properties and epidemic parameters influence stochastic SIR dynamics on scale-free random networks. J. Simulation 18(2): 206-219 (2024).
Luca Althaus, Mourad Khayati, Abdelouahab Khelifati, Anton Dignös, Djellel Eddine Difallah, Philippe Cudré-Mauroux:
SEER: An End-to-End Toolkit for Benchmarking Time Series Database Systems in Monitoring Applications. Proc. VLDB Endow. 17(12): 4361-4364 (2024).

Alberto Abelló, Panos Vassiliadis, Oscar Romero, Robert Wrembel, Francesca Bugiotti, Johann Gamper, Genoveva Vargas-Solar, Ester Zumpano:
New Trends in Database and Information Systems - ADBIS 2023 Short Papers, Doctoral Consortium and Workshops: AIDMA, DOING, K-Gals, MADEISD, PeRS, Barcelona, Spain, September 4-7, 2023, Proceedings. Communications in Computer and Information Science 1850, Springer 2023.
Maryam Mozaffari, Anton Dignös, Hind Hamrouni, Johann Gamper:
NoSQL Schema Extraction from Temporal Conceptual Model: A Case for Cassandra. ADBIS (Short Papers) 2023: 280-290.
Adam Przybylek, Aleksandra Karpus, Allel Hadjali, Anton Dignös, Carmem S. Hara, Danae Pla Karidi, Ester Zumpano, Fabio Persia, Genoveva Vargas-Solar, George Papastefanatos, Giancarlo Sperlì, Giorgos Giannopoulos, Ivan Lukovic, Julien Aligon, Manolis Terrovitis, Marek Grzegorowski, Mariella Bonomo, Mirian Halfeld Ferrari Alves, Nicolas Labroche, Paul Monsarrat, Richard Chbeir, Sana Sellami, Seshu Tirupathi, Simona E. Rombo, Slavica Kordic, Sonja Ristic, Tommaso Di Noia, Torben Bach Pedersen, Vincenzo Moscato:
Databases and Information Systems: Contributions from ADBIS 2023 Workshops and Doctoral Consortium. ADBIS (Short Papers) 2023: 293-311.
Federico Manzella, Giovanni Pagliarini, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
Efficient Modal Decision Trees. AI*IA 2023: 381-395.
Dario Del Fante, Federico Manzella, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
A Post-Modern Approach to Automatic Metaphor Identification. CLiC-it 2023.
Robert Wrembel, Johann Gamper, Gabriele Kotsis, A Min Tjoa, Ismail Khalil:
Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery - 25th International Conference, DaWaK 2023, Penang, Malaysia, August 28-30, 2023, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14148, Springer 2023.
Michele Ghiotti, Federico Manzella, Giovanni Pagliarini, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
Evolutionary Explainable Rule Extraction from (Modal) Random Forests. ECAI 2023: 827-834.
Kassem Sabeh, Mouna Kacimi, Johann Gamper:
GAVI: A Category-Aware Generative Approach for Brand Value Identification. ICNLSP 2023: 110-119.
Patrik Cavina, Federico Manzella, Giovanni Pagliarini, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
(Un)supervised Univariate Feature Extraction and Selection for Dimensional Data. itaDATA 2023.
Giovanni Pagliarini, Andrea Paradiso, Sasha Rubin, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
Heuristic Minimization Modulo Theory of Modal Decision Trees Class-Formulas. OVERLAY@AI*IA 2023: 49-53.
Meghdad Mirabi, Leila Fathi, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper, Carsten Binnig:
A New Primitive for Processing Temporal Joins. SSTD 2023: 106-109.
Matteo Ceccarello, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper, Christina Khnaisser:
Indexing Temporal Relations for Range-Duration Queries. SSDBM 2023: 3:1-3:12.
Willem Conradie, Riccardo Monego, Emilio Muñoz-Velasco, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
A Sound and Complete Tableau System for Fuzzy Halpern and Shoham's Interval Temporal Logic. TIME 2023: 9:1-9:14.
Federico Manzella, Giovanni Pagliarini, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
The voice of COVID-19: Breath and cough recording classification with temporal decision trees and random forests. Artif. Intell. Medicine 137: 102486 (2023).
Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
Knowledge Extraction with Interval Temporal Logic Decision Trees. CoRR abs/2305.16864 (2023).
Zhifeng Bao, Panagiotis Bouros, Reynold Cheng, Byron Choi, Anton Dignös, Wei Ding, Yixiang Fang, Boyang Han, Jilin Hu, Arijit Khan, Wenqing Lin, Xuemin Lin, Cheng Long, Nikos Mamoulis, Jian Pei, Matthias Renz, Shashi Shekhar, Jieming Shi, Eleni Tzirita Zacharatou, Sibo Wang, Xiao Wang, Xue Wang, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Da Yan, Xifeng Yan, Bin Yang, Dezhong Yao, Ce Zhang, Peilin Zhao, Rong Zhu:
A Summary of ICDE 2022 Research Session Panels. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 46(4): 4-17 (2023).
Willem Conradie, Dario Della Monica, Emilio Muñoz-Velasco, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
Fuzzy Halpern and Shoham's interval temporal logics. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 456: 107-124 (2023).
Abdelouahab Khelifati, Mourad Khayati, Anton Dignös, Djellel Eddine Difallah, Philippe Cudré-Mauroux:
TSM-Bench: Benchmarking Time Series Database Systems for Monitoring Applications. Proc. VLDB Endow. 16(11): 3363-3376 (2023).
Jerry W. Sangma, Yogita, Vipin Pal, Neeraj Kumar, Riti Kushwaha:
FHC-NDS: Fuzzy Hierarchical Clustering of Multiple Nominal Data Streams. IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst. 31(3): 786-798 (2023).
David Massimo, Elias Ganthaler, Attaullah Buriro, Francesco Barile, Marco Moraschini, Anton Dignös, Thomas Villgrattner, Angelika Peer, Francesco Ricci:
Estimation of Mass and Lengths of Sintered Workpieces Using Machine Learning Models. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 72: 1-14 (2023).

Johann Gamper, Matteo Ceccarello, Anton Dignös:
What's New in Temporal Databases?. ADBIS 2022: 45-58.
Christina Khnaisser, Hind Hamrouni, David B. Blumenthal, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper:
Querying Temporal Anomalies in Healthcare Information Systems and Beyond. ADBIS 2022: 209-222.
Mauro Milella, Giovanni Pagliarini, Andrea Paradiso, Ionel Eduard Stan:
Multi-Models and Multi-Formulas Finite Model Checking for Modal Logic Formulas Induction. OVERLAY@AI*IA 2022: 81-85.
Dario Della Monica, Giovanni Pagliarini, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
Decision Trees with a Modal Flavor. AI*IA 2022: 47-59.
Adam Charane, Matteo Ceccarello, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper:
Efficient Computation of All-Window Length Correlations. DB&IS 2022: 251-266.
Kassem Sabeh, Mouna Kacimi, Johann Gamper:
CAVE: Correcting Attribute Values in E-commerce Profiles. CIKM 2022: 4965-4969.
Robert Wrembel, Johann Gamper, Gabriele Kotsis, A Min Tjoa, Ismail Khalil:
Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery - 24th International Conference, DaWaK 2022, Vienna, Austria, August 22-24, 2022, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13428, Springer 2022.
Martin Aumüller, Matteo Ceccarello:
Implementing Distributed Similarity Joins using Locality Sensitive Hashing. EDBT 2022: 1:78-1:90.
Ionel Eduard Stan, Guido Sciavicco, Emilio Muñoz-Velasco, Giovanni Pagliarini, Mauro Milella, Andrea Paradiso:
On Modal Logic Association Rule Mining. ICTCS 2022: 53-65.
Hassan Harb, Diana Abi Nader, Kassem Sabeh, Abdallah Makhoul:
Real-time Approach for Decision Making in IoT-based Applications. SENSORNETS 2022: 223-230.
Giovanni Pagliarini, Simone Scaboro, Giuseppe Serra, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
Neural-Symbolic Temporal Decision Trees for Multivariate Time Series Classification. TIME 2022: 13:1-13:15.
Matteo Ceccarello, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper, Christina Khnaisser:
Indexing Temporal Relations for Range-Duration Queries. CoRR abs/2206.07428 (2022).
David B. Blumenthal, Sébastien Bougleux, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper:
Enumerating dissimilar minimum cost perfect and error-correcting bipartite matchings for robust data matching. Inf. Sci. 596: 202-221 (2022).
Zouhaier Brahmia, Hind Hamrouni, Rafik Bouaziz:
TempoX: A disciplined approach for data management in multi-temporal and multi-schema-version XML databases. J. King Saud Univ. Comput. Inf. Sci. 34(1): 1472-1488 (2022).
Saeid Masoumi, Ali Mahjur:
A new way of crosscutting roles in set oriented programming. J. King Saud Univ. Comput. Inf. Sci. 34(2): 433-442 (2022).
Matteo Ceccarello, Johann Gamper:
Fast and Scalable Mining of Time Series Motifs with Probabilistic Guarantees. Proc. VLDB Endow. 15(13): 3841-3853 (2022).
Mohammad Mahdi Kazemian, Meghdad Mirabi:
Controller placement in software defined networks using multi-objective antlion algorithm. J. Supercomput. 78(4): 5626-5649 (2022).
Samaneh Fathi Ozonbolagh, Meghdad Mirabi:
Efficient XML data placement schemes over multiple mobile wireless broadcast channels. J. Supercomput. 78(1): 168-199 (2022).
Maryam Panahnejad, Meghdad Mirabi:
APT-Dt-KC: advanced persistent threat detection based on kill-chain model. J. Supercomput. 78(6): 8644-8677 (2022).
Anton Dignös, Michael H. Böhlen, Johann Gamper, Christian S. Jensen, Peter Moser:
Leveraging range joins for the computation of overlap joins. VLDB J. 31(1): 75-99 (2022).

Tong Liu, Paolo Coletti, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper, Maurizio Murgia:
Correlation graph analytics for stock time series data. EDBT 2021: 666-669.
Giovanni Pagliarini, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
Multi-Frame Modal Symbolic Learning. OVERLAY@GandALF 2021: 37-41.
Michael Shekelyan, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper, Minos N. Garofalakis:
Approximating Multidimensional Range Counts with Maximum Error Guarantees. ICDE 2021: 1595-1606.
Pranab Das, Jerry W. Sangma, Vipin Pal, Yogita:
Predicting Adverse Drug Reactions from Drug Functions by Binary Relevance Multi-label Classification and MLSMOTE. PACBB 2021: 165-173.
Tomás Bures, Riccardo Dondi, Johann Gamper, Giovanna Guerrini, Tomasz Jurdzinski, Claus Pahl, Florian Sikora, Prudence W. H. Wong:
SOFSEM 2021: Theory and Practice of Computer Science - 47th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, SOFSEM 2021, Bolzano-Bozen, Italy, January 25-29, 2021, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12607, Springer 2021.
Federico Manzella, Giovanni Pagliarini, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
Interval Temporal Random Forests with an Application to COVID-19 Diagnosis. TIME 2021: 7:1-7:18.
Estrella Lucena-Sánchez, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
Feature and Language Selection in Temporal Symbolic Regression for Interpretable Air Quality Modelling. Algorithms 14(3): 76 (2021).
Johann Gamper, Sophie Pinchinat, Guido Sciavicco:
Special Issue - Selected Papers from the 26th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning. Inf. Comput. 280: 104635 (2021).
David B. Blumenthal, Johann Gamper, Sébastien Bougleux, Luc Brun:
Upper Bounding Graph Edit Distance Based on Rings and Machine Learning. Int. J. Pattern Recognit. Artif. Intell. 35(8): 2151008:1-2151008:32 (2021).
Martin Aumüller, Matteo Ceccarello:
The role of local dimensionality measures in benchmarking nearest neighbor search. Inf. Syst. 101: 101807 (2021).
David B. Blumenthal, Nicolas Boria, Sébastien Bougleux, Luc Brun, Johann Gamper, Benoit Gaüzère:
Scalable generalized median graph estimation and its manifold use in bioinformatics, clustering, classification, and indexing. Inf. Syst. 100: 101766 (2021).
Tong Liu, Roberto Amadini, Maurizio Gabbrielli, Jacopo Mauro:
sunny-as2: Enhancing SUNNY for Algorithm Selection. J. Artif. Intell. Res. 72: 329-376 (2021).
Maryam Mozaffari, Eslam Nazemi, Amir-Masoud Eftekhari-Moghadam:
CONST: Continuous online NoSQL schema tuning. Softw. Pract. Exp. 51(5): 1147-1169 (2021).
Mohsen Shekarriz, Seyed Morteza Babamir, Meghdad Mirabi:
Query processing optimization in broadcasting XML data in mobile communications. J. Supercomput. 77(6): 5354-5380 (2021).
Danila Piatov, Sven Helmer, Anton Dignös, Fabio Persia:
Cache-efficient sweeping-based interval joins for extended Allen relation predicates. VLDB J. 30(3): 379-402 (2021).

Johann Gamper, Anton Dignös:
Processing Temporal and Time Series Data: Present State and Future Challenges. ADBIS 2020: 8-14.
Joseph R. Barr, Daniela D'Auria, Fabio Persia:
Telemedicine, Homecare in the Era of COVID-19 & Beyond. AI4I 2020: 48-51.
Willem Conradie, Dario Della Monica, Emilio Muñoz-Velasco, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
Time Series Checking with Fuzzy Interval Temporal Logics. ICTCS 2020: 250-262.
Fabio Persia, Daniela D'Auria, Giovanni Pilato:
Fast Learning and Prediction of Event Sequences in a Robotic System. IRC 2020: 447-452.
Christian Roggia, Fabio Persia:
Extraction of Frame Sequences in the Manga Context. ISM 2020: 96-99.
Estrella Lucena-Sánchez, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
Symbolic Learning with Interval Temporal Logic: the Case of Regression. OVERLAY 2020: 5-9.
Dario Della Monica, Angelo Montanari, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
A Note on Ultimately-Periodic Finite Interval Temporal Logic Model Checking. OVERLAY 2020: 11-15.
Joanna Kaminska, Estrella Lucena-Sánchez, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
Rule Extraction via Dynamic Discretization with an Application to Air Quality Modelling. RuleML+RR (Supplement) 2020: 42-57.
Fabio Persia, Daniela D'Auria, Mouzhi Ge:
Improving Learning System Performance with Multimedia Semantics. ICSC 2020: 238-241.
Fabio Persia, Daniela D'Auria, Giovanni Pilato:
An Overview of Video Surveillance Approaches. ICSC 2020: 287-294.
Martin Aumüller, Matteo Ceccarello:
Running Experiments with Confidence and Sanity. SISAP 2020: 387-395.
Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
Knowledge Extraction with Interval Temporal Logic Decision Trees. TIME 2020: 9:1-9:16.
Matteo Ceccarello, Andrea Pietracaprina, Geppino Pucci, Eli Upfal:
Distributed Graph Diameter Approximation. Algorithms 13(9): 216 (2020).
Rahman Hajian, Soheyla ZakeriKia, Seyed Hossein Erfani, Meghdad Mirabi:
SHAPARAK: Scalable healthcare authentication protocol with attack-resilience and anonymous key-agreement. Comput. Networks 183: 107567 (2020).
Johann Gamper, Mirjana Ivanovic, Robert Wrembel:
Guest editorial: Advances in databases and information systems. Comput. Sci. Inf. Syst. 17(3) (2020).
Matteo Ceccarello, Andrea Pietracaprina, Geppino Pucci:
A General Coreset-Based Approach to Diversity Maximization under Matroid Constraints. CoRR abs/2002.03175 (2020).
Andrea Brunello, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
Interval Temporal Logic Decision Tree Learning. CoRR abs/2003.04952 (2020).
Danila Piatov, Sven Helmer, Anton Dignös, Fabio Persia:
Cache-Efficient Sweeping-Based Interval Joins for Extended Allen Relation Predicates (Extended Version). CoRR abs/2008.12665 (2020).
Tong Liu, Roberto Amadini, Jacopo Mauro, Maurizio Gabbrielli:
sunny-as2: Enhancing SUNNY for Algorithm Selection. CoRR abs/2009.03107 (2020).
Zouhaier Brahmia, Hind Hamrouni, Rafik Bouaziz:
XML data manipulation in conventional and temporal XML databases: A survey. Comput. Sci. Rev. 36: 100231 (2020).
Maryam Mozaffari, Eslam Nazemi, Amir-Masoud Eftekhari-Moghadam:
Feedback control loop design for workload change detection in self-tuning NoSQL wide column stores. Expert Syst. Appl. 142 (2020).
Fabio Persia, Giovanni Pilato, Mouzhi Ge, Paolo Bolzoni, Daniela D'Auria, Sven Helmer:
Improving orienteering-based tourist trip planning with social sensing. Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 110: 931-945 (2020).
David B. Blumenthal, Johann Gamper:
On the exact computation of the graph edit distance. Pattern Recognit. Lett. 134: 46-57 (2020).
Matteo Ceccarello, Andrea Pietracaprina, Geppino Pucci:
A General Coreset-Based Approach to Diversity Maximization under Matroid Constraints. ACM Trans. Knowl. Discov. Data 14(5): 60:1-60:27 (2020).
David B. Blumenthal, Nicolas Boria, Johann Gamper, Sébastien Bougleux, Luc Brun:
Comparing heuristics for graph edit distance computation. VLDB J. 29(1): 419-458 (2020).
Theodoros Chondrogiannis, Panagiotis Bouros, Johann Gamper, Ulf Leser, David B. Blumenthal:
Finding k-shortest paths with limited overlap. VLDB J. 29(5): 1023-1047 (2020).

Tatjana Welzer, Johann Eder, Vili Podgorelec, Robert Wrembel, Mirjana Ivanovic, Johann Gamper, Mikolaj Morzy, Theodoros Tzouramanis, Jérôme Darmont, Aida Kamisalic Latific:
New Trends in Databases and Information Systems, ADBIS 2019 Short Papers, Workshops BBIGAP, QAUCA, SemBDM, SIMPDA, M2P, MADEISD, and Doctoral Consortium, Bled, Slovenia, September 8-11, 2019, Proceedings. Communications in Computer and Information Science 1064, Springer 2019.
Estrella Lucena-Sánchez, Emilio Muñoz-Velasco, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan, Alessandro Vaccari:
Towards Interval Temporal Logic Rule-Based Classification. OVERLAY@AI*IA 2019: 65-70.
Ozan Kahramanogullari:
Enumerating Dominant Pathways in Biological Networks by Information Flow Analysis. AlCoB 2019: 39-51.
Sambasiva Rao Gangineni, Harshad Reddy Nalla, Saeed Fathollahzadeh, Kia Teymourian:
Real-Time Object Recognition from Streaming LiDAR Point Cloud Data. DEBS 2019: 214-219.
David B. Blumenthal, Sébastien Bougleux, Johann Gamper, Luc Brun:
GEDLIB: A C++ Library for Graph Edit Distance Computation. GbRPR 2019: 14-24.
Fabio Persia, Sven Helmer:
High-Level Automatic Event Detection and User Classification in a Social Network Context. GraMSec@CSF 2019: 203-219.
Tong Liu, Franco Callegati, Walter Cerroni, Chiara Contoli, Maurizio Gabbrielli, Saverio Giallorenzo:
Constraint Programming for Flexible Service Function Chaining Deployment. HICSS 2019: 1-10.
Daniela D'Auria, Fabio Persia, Fabio Bettini, Sven Helmer:
Predicting and Preventing Dangerous Events via Video Surveillance Using a Robotic Platform. IRC 2019: 549-554.
Daniela D'Auria, Mouzhi Ge, Fabio Persia:
Exploiting Recommender Systems in Collaborative Healthcare. I-SPAN 2019: 71-82.
Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan, Alessandro Vaccari:
Towards a General Method for Logical Rule Extraction from Time Series. IWINAC (2) 2019: 3-12.
Andrea Brunello, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
Interval Temporal Logic Decision Tree Learning. JELIA 2019: 778-793.
Ozan Kahramanogullari, Cansu Uluseker, Martin M. Hanczyc:
Stochastic Mechanisms of Information Flow in Phosphate Economy of Escherichia coli. NUMTA(1) 2019: 131-145.
Upasana Chutia, Jerry W. Sangma, Vipin Pal, Yogita:
Data-Driven Extraction of Quantitative Multi-dimensional Associations of Cardiovascular Drugs and Adverse Drug Reactions. PACBB 2019: 70-77.
Martin Aumüller, Matteo Ceccarello:
Benchmarking Nearest Neighbor Search: Influence of Local Intrinsic Dimensionality and Result Diversity in Real-World Datasets. EDML@SDM 2019: 14-23.
Mouzhi Ge, Fabio Persia:
Factoring Personalization in Social Media Recommendations. ICSC 2019: 344-347.
Fabio Persia, Sven Helmer, Sergejs Pugacs, Giovanni Pilato:
Social Sensing for Improving the User Experience in Orienteering. ICSC 2019: 239-246.
Martin Aumüller, Matteo Ceccarello:
The Role of Local Intrinsic Dimensionality in Benchmarking Nearest Neighbor Search. SISAP 2019: 113-127.
Andreas Behrend, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper, Philip Schmiegelt, Hannes Voigt, Matthias Rottmann, Karsten Kahl:
Period Index: A Learned 2D Hash Index for Range and Duration Queries. SSTD 2019: 100-109.
Necati Duran, Giovanni Mahlknecht, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper:
HotPeriods: Visual Correlation Analysis of Interval Data. SSTD 2019: 178-181.
Johann Gamper, Sophie Pinchinat, Guido Sciavicco:
26th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, TIME 2019, October 16-19, 2019, Málaga, Spain. LIPIcs 147, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik 2019.
Ozan Kahramanogullari, Lorenzo Bramanti, Maria Carla Benedetti:
Stochastic Mechanisms of Growth and Branching in Mediterranean Coral Colonies. TPNC 2019: 57-69.
Matteo Ceccarello, Anne Driemel, Francesco Silvestri:
FRESH: Fréchet Similarity with Hashing. WADS 2019: 254-268.
Emilio Muñoz-Velasco, Mercedes Pelegrín-García, Pietro Sala, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
On coarser interval temporal logics. Artif. Intell. 266: 1-26 (2019).
Giovanni Mahlknecht, Anton Dignös, Natalija Kozmina:
Modeling and querying facts with period timestamps in data warehouses. Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci. 29(1): 31-49 (2019).
Anton Dignös, Boris Glavic, Xing Niu, Michael H. Böhlen, Johann Gamper:
Snapshot Semantics for Temporal Multiset Relations (Extended Version). CoRR abs/1902.04938 (2019).
David B. Blumenthal, Sébastien Bougleux, Johann Gamper, Luc Brun:
Upper Bounding GED via Transformations to LSAPE Based on Rings and Machine Learning. CoRR abs/1907.00203 (2019).
Nicolas Boria, David B. Blumenthal, Sébastien Bougleux, Luc Brun:
Improved local search for graph edit distance. CoRR abs/1907.02929 (2019).
Ozan Kahramanogullari:
On Quantitative Comparison of Chemical Reaction Network Models. HCVS/PERR@ETAPS 2019: 14-27.
Martin Aumüller, Matteo Ceccarello:
The Role of Local Intrinsic Dimensionality in Benchmarking Nearest Neighbor Search. CoRR abs/1907.07387 (2019).
David B. Blumenthal:
New Techniques for Graph Edit Distance Computation. CoRR abs/1908.00265 (2019).
Saeid Masoumi, Ali Mahjur:
Reusable and interactive classes: a new way of object composition. Turkish J. Electr. Eng. Comput. Sci. 27(5): 3615-3632 (2019).
Daniela D'Auria, Fabio Persia:
Guest Editors' Introduction. Int. J. Semantic Comput. 13(4): 427-429 (2019).
Danila Piatov, Sven Helmer, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper:
Interactive and space-efficient multi-dimensional time series subsequence matching. Inf. Syst. 82: 121-135 (2019).
Michael Shekelyan, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper:
Sparse prefix sums: Constant-time range sum queries over sparse multidimensional data cubes. Inf. Syst. 82: 136-147 (2019).
Saeid Masoumi, Ali Mahjur:
Collaborative Component Interaction. Ingénierie des Systèmes d Inf. 24(3): 321-329 (2019).
Vincenzo Del Fatto, Anton Dignös, Guerriero Raimato, Lorenzo Maccioni, Yuri Borgianni, Johann Gamper:
Visual time period analysis: a multimedia analytics application for summarizing and analyzing eye-tracking experiments. Multim. Tools Appl. 78(23): 32779-32804 (2019).
Matteo Ceccarello, Andrea Pietracaprina, Geppino Pucci:
Solving k-center Clustering (with Outliers) in MapReduce and Streaming, almost as Accurately as Sequentially. Proc. VLDB Endow. 12(7): 766-778 (2019).
Anton Dignös, Boris Glavic, Xing Niu, Johann Gamper, Michael H. Böhlen:
Snapshot Semantics for Temporal Multiset Relations. Proc. VLDB Endow. 12(6): 639-652 (2019).
Madeh Shokri, Meghdad Mirabi:
An efficient stream structure for broadcasting the encrypted XML data in mobile wireless broadcast channels. J. Supercomput. 75(11): 7147-7173 (2019).
Tong Liu:
Innovative Applications of Constraint Programming. University of Bologna, Italy 2019.

Sven Helmer, Matteo Roggia, Nabil El Ioini, Claus Pahl:
EthernityDB - Integrating Database Functionality into a Blockchain. ADBIS (Short Papers and Workshops) 2018: 37-44.
Daniela D'Auria, Fabio Persia:
Design of a Framework Allowing Researchers to Optimize Their Academic Evaluation. AI4I 2018: 89-91.
Claus Pahl, Nabil El Ioini, Sven Helmer, Brian Lee:
An architecture pattern for trusted orchestration in IoT edge clouds. FMEC 2018: 63-70.
Theodoros Chondrogiannis, Panagiotis Bouros, Johann Gamper, Ulf Leser, David B. Blumenthal:
Finding k-dissimilar paths with minimum collective length. SIGSPATIAL/GIS 2018: 404-407.
David B. Blumenthal, Évariste Daller, Sébastien Bougleux, Luc Brun, Johann Gamper:
Quasimetric Graph Edit Distance as a Compact Quadratic Assignment Problem. ICPR 2018: 934-939.
David von Leon, Lorenzo Miori, Julian Sanin, Nabil El Ioini, Sven Helmer, Claus Pahl:
A Performance Exploration of Architectural Options for a Middleware for Decentralised Lightweight Edge Cloud Architectures. IoTBDS 2018: 73-84.
Claus Pahl, Nabil El Ioini, Sven Helmer:
A Decision Framework for Blockchain Platforms for IoT and Edge Computing. IoTBDS 2018: 105-113.
Daniela D'Auria, Fabio Persia, Fabio Bettini, Sven Helmer, Bruno Siciliano:
SARRI: A SmArt Rapiro Robot Integrating a Framework for Automatic High-Level Surveillance Event Detection. IRC 2018: 238-241.
Fabio Persia, Mouzhi Ge, Daniela D'Auria:
How to Exploit Recommender Systems in Social Media. IRI 2018: 537-541.
Cansu Uluseker, Martin M. Hanczyc, Ozan Kahramanogullari:
Mechanisms of Switching Response to External Phosphate Levels in Escheria coli. ALIFE 2018: 633-640.
Vincenzo Del Fatto, Sandro Bimonte, Ali Hassan, Monica Sebillo:
A Preliminary Study of Metrics and Methods for Readable Spatial OLAP Maps: VGI4Bio Case Study. IV 2018: 303-308.
Vincenzo Del Fatto, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper:
TIME°DIFF: A Visual Approach to Compare Period Data. IV 2018: 38-43.
Margherita Brondino, Vincenzo Del Fatto, Rosella Gennari, Margherita Pasini, Daniela Raccanello:
Compliance to eXtreme Apprenticeship in a Programming Course: Performance, Achievement Emotions, and Self-efficacy. MIS4TEL 2018: 123-130.
Mouzhi Ge, Fabio Persia:
Evaluation in Multimedia Recommender Systems: A Practical Guide. ICSC 2018: 294-297.
Fabio Persia, Sven Helmer:
A Framework for High-Level Event Detection in a Social Network Context Via an Extension of ISEQL. ICSC 2018: 140-147.
Andrea Bonani, Vincenzo Del Fatto, Gabriella Dodero, Rosella Gennari:
Tangibles for Graph Algorithmic Thinking: Experience with Children (Abstract Only). SIGCSE 2018: 1094.
Dimitris Sacharidis, Johann Gamper, Michael H. Böhlen:
Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, SSDBM 2018, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, July 09-11, 2018. ACM 2018.
David B. Blumenthal, Sébastien Bougleux, Johann Gamper, Luc Brun:
Ring Based Approximation of Graph Edit Distance. S+SSPR 2018: 293-303.
Andrea Bonani, Vincenzo Del Fatto, Rosella Gennari:
The Evolving Design of Tangibles for Graph Algorithmic Thinking. TEI 2018: 65-72.
Michael H. Böhlen, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper, Christian S. Jensen:
Database Technology for Processing Temporal Data (Invited Paper). TIME 2018: 2:1-2:7.
Matteo Ceccarello, Andrea Pietracaprina, Geppino Pucci:
Fast Coreset-based Diversity Maximization under Matroid Constraints. WSDM 2018: 81-89.
Sven Helmer:
May I Have Your Attention, Please: - Building a Dystopian Attention Economy. WWW (Companion Volume) 2018: 1529-1533.
Flora Amato, Aniello Castiglione, Aniello De Santo, Vincenzo Moscato, Antonio Picariello, Fabio Persia, Giancarlo Sperlì:
Recognizing human behaviours in online social networks. Comput. Secur. 74: 355-370 (2018).
Matteo Ceccarello, Andrea Pietracaprina, Geppino Pucci:
Solving k-center Clustering (with Outliers) in MapReduce and Streaming, almost as Accurately as Sequentially. CoRR abs/1802.09205 (2018).
Matteo Ceccarello, Anne Driemel, Francesco Silvestri:
FRESH: Fréchet Similarity with Hashing. CoRR abs/1809.02350 (2018).
Theodoros Chondrogiannis, Panagiotis Bouros, Johann Gamper, Ulf Leser, David B. Blumenthal:
Finding k-Dissimilar Paths with Minimum Collective Length. CoRR abs/1809.06831 (2018).
Sven Helmer, Vuong M. Ngo:
A Similarity Measure for Weaving Patterns in Textiles. CoRR abs/1810.04604 (2018).
Tong Liu, Franco Callegati, Walter Cerroni, Chiara Contoli, Maurizio Gabbrielli, Saverio Giallorenzo:
Constraint programming for flexible Service Function Chaining deployment. CoRR abs/1812.05534 (2018).
Hind Hamrouni, Zouhaier Brahmia, Rafik Bouaziz:
A systematic approach to efficiently managing the effects of retroactive updates of time-varying data in multiversion XML databases. Int. J. Intell. Inf. Database Syst. 11(1): 1-26 (2018).
Daniela D'Auria, Fabio Persia:
A Methodology for Improving Vegetation Representation and Health Exploiting a Semantic Robotic System and Its Dynamic Stability Control. Int. J. Semantic Comput. 12(1): 25-42 (2018).
Mouzhi Ge, Fabio Persia:
A Generalized Evaluation Framework for Multimedia Recommender Systems. Int. J. Semantic Comput. 12(4): 541-557 (2018).
Fabio Persia:
Guest Editor's Introduction. Int. J. Semantic Comput. 12(3): 313-314 (2018).
David B. Blumenthal, Johann Gamper:
Improved Lower Bounds for Graph Edit Distance. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 30(3): 503-516 (2018).
Michael H. Böhlen, Johann Gamper, Christian S. Jensen, Richard T. Snodgrass:
SQL-Based Temporal Query Languages. Encyclopedia of Database Systems (2nd ed.) 2018.
Johann Gamper, Michael H. Böhlen, Christian S. Jensen:
Temporal Aggregation. Encyclopedia of Database Systems (2nd ed.) 2018.

Marite Kirikova, Kjetil Nørvåg, George A. Papadopoulos, Johann Gamper, Robert Wrembel, Jérôme Darmont, Stefano Rizzi:
New Trends in Databases and Information Systems - ADBIS 2017 Short Papers and Workshops, AMSD, BigNovelTI, DAS, SW4CH, DC, Nicosia, Cyprus, September 24-27, 2017, Proceedings. Communications in Computer and Information Science 767, Springer 2017.
Mouzhi Ge, Theodoros Chondrogiannis:
Assessing the Quality of Spatio-Textual Datasets in the Absence of Ground Truth. ADBIS (Short Papers and Workshops) 2017: 12-20.
Danila Piatov, Sven Helmer, Johann Gamper:
Interactive Time Series Subsequence Matching. ADBIS 2017: 73-87.
Michael Shekelyan, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper:
Sparse Prefix Sums. ADBIS 2017: 120-135.
Ozan Kahramanogullari:
Quantifying Information Flow in Chemical Reaction Networks. AlCoB 2017: 155-166.
Lorenzo Miori, Julian Sanin, Sven Helmer:
A Platform for Edge Computing Based on Raspberry Pi Clusters. BICOD 2017: 153-159.
Fabio Persia, Fabio Bettini, Sven Helmer:
An Interactive Framework for Video Surveillance Event Detection and Modeling. CIKM 2017: 2515-2518.
Tong Liu, Roberto Di Cosmo, Maurizio Gabbrielli, Jacopo Mauro:
NightSplitter: A Scheduling Tool to Optimize (Sub)group Activities. CP 2017: 370-386.
Paolo Bolzoni, Fabio Persia, Sven Helmer:
Itinerary Planning with Category Constraints Using a Probabilistic Approach. DEXA (2) 2017: 363-377.
Michael H. Böhlen, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper, Christian S. Jensen:
Temporal Data Management - An Overview. eBISS 2017: 51-83.
Cansu Uluseker, Jesus Torres, José Luis García lópez, Martin M. Hanczyc, Juan Nogales, Ozan Kahramanogullari:
A dynamic model of the phosphate response system with synthetic promoters in Escherichia coli. ECAL 2017: 412-419.
Theodoros Chondrogiannis, Panagiotis Bouros, Johann Gamper, Ulf Leser:
Exact and Approximate Algorithms for Finding k-Shortest Paths with Limited Overlap. EDBT 2017: 414-425.
Kevin Wellenzohn, Michael H. Böhlen, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper, Hannes Mitterer:
Continuous Imputation of Missing Values in Streams of Pattern-Determining Time Series. EDBT 2017: 330-341.
Sergejs Pugacs, Sven Helmer, Markus Zanker:
A Framework for Comparing Interactive Route Planning Apps in Tourism. EnCHIReS@EICS 2017: 18-25.
David B. Blumenthal, Johann Gamper:
Exact Computation of Graph Edit Distance for Uniform and Non-uniform Metric Edit Costs. GbRPR 2017: 211-221.
Dimitris Sacharidis, Panagiotis Bouros, Theodoros Chondrogiannis:
Finding The Most Preferred Path. SIGSPATIAL/GIS 2017: 5:1-5:10.
David B. Blumenthal, Johann Gamper:
Correcting and Speeding-Up Bounds for Non-Uniform Graph Edit Distance. ICDE 2017: 131-134.
Emilio Muñoz-Velasco, Guido Sciavicco, Ionel Eduard Stan:
Implementation of a Tableau-based Satisfiability Checker for HS3. ICTCS/CILC 2017: 326-340.
Daniela D'Auria, Fabio Persia:
The Role of Semantics in Improving Medical Doctors' Performance. IRC 2017: 428-433.
Daniela D'Auria, Fabio Persia:
A Collaborative Robotic Cyber Physical System for Surgery Applications. IRI 2017: 79-83.
Fabio Persia, Daniela D'Auria:
A Survey of Online Social Networks: Challenges and Opportunities. IRI 2017: 614-620.
Sven Helmer, Gerhard Glüher, Christian Upmeier:
Show, Don't Tell: Retrieving Cultural Assets via Gestures. JOWO 2017.
Ozan Kahramanogullari:
Deep Proof Search in MELL. LPAR 2017: 106-124.
Andrea Bonani, Vincenzo Del Fatto, Gabriella Dodero, Rosella Gennari, Guerriero Raimato:
First Steps Towards the Design of Tangibles for Graph Algorithmic Thinking. MIS4TEL 2017: 110-117.
Vincenzo Del Fatto, Rosella Gennari, Alessandra Melonio, Guerriero Raimato:
The Design of a Smart Tray with Its Canteen Users: A Formative Study. MIS4TEL 2017: 36-43.
Tong Liu, Roberto Amadini, Jacopo Mauro:
SUNNY with Algorithm Configuration. OASC 2017: 12-14.
Daniela D'Auria, Fabio Persia:
A Methodology for Improving Vegetation Representation and Health Exploiting a Semantic Robotic System. ICSC 2017: 499-502.
Mouzhi Ge, Fabio Persia:
Research Challenges in Multimedia Recommender Systems. ICSC 2017: 344-347.
Fabio Persia, Fabio Bettini, Sven Helmer:
Labeling the Frames of a Video Stream with Interval Events. ICSC 2017: 204-211.
Paolo Bolzoni, Sven Helmer:
Hybrid Best-First Greedy Search for Orienteering with Category Constraints. SSTD 2017: 24-42.
Danila Piatov, Sven Helmer:
Sweeping-Based Temporal Aggregation. SSTD 2017: 125-144.
Nikolaus Krismer, Doris Silbernagl, Günther Specht, Johann Gamper:
Computing Isochrones in Multimodal Spatial Networks using Tile Regions. SSDBM 2017: 33:1-33:6.
Giovanni Mahlknecht, Michael H. Böhlen, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper:
VISOR: Visualizing Summaries of Ordered Data. SSDBM 2017: 40:1-40:5.
Paolo Bolzoni, Sven Helmer:
Solving Orienteering with Category Constraints Using Prioritized Search. CoRR abs/1702.04304 (2017).
Pekka Abrahamsson, Sven Helmer, Nattakarn Phaphoom, Lorenzo Nicolodi, Nick Preda, Lorenzo Miori, Matteo Angriman, Juha Rikkilä, Xiaofeng Wang, Karim Hamily, Sara Bugoloni:
Affordable and Energy-Efficient Cloud Computing Clusters: The Bolzano Raspberry Pi Cloud Cluster Experiment. CoRR abs/1709.06815 (2017).
Nattakarn Phaphoom, Xiaofeng Wang, Sarah Samuel, Sven Helmer, Pekka Abrahamsson:
A survey study on major technical barriers affecting the decision to adopt cloud services. CoRR abs/1712.00606 (2017).
Daniela D'Auria, Fabio Persia:
Use of semantics in robotics - improving doctors' performance using a cricothyrotomy simulator. Encycl. Semantic Comput. Robotic Intell. 1(1): 1650005:1-1650005:6 (2017).
Fabio Persia, Daniela D'Auria:
High-level surveillance event detection. Encycl. Semantic Comput. Robotic Intell. 1(1): 1630007:1-1630007:6 (2017).
Srividya Bansal, Cristiane Chaves Gattaz, Robert Mertens, Fabio Persia, Giovanni Pilato, Guigang Zhang:
Guest Editors' Introduction. Int. J. Semantic Comput. 11(3): 275-278 (2017).
Mouzhi Ge, Fabio Persia:
A Survey of Multimedia Recommender Systems: Challenges and Opportunities. Int. J. Semantic Comput. 11(3): 411- (2017).
Hind Hamrouni, Fabio Grandi, Zouhaier Brahmia:
Deferred repair of inconsistencies resulting from retroactive updates of temporal XML currency data. Int. J. Web Inf. Syst. 13(4): 485-519 (2017).
Giovanni Mahlknecht, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper:
A scalable dynamic programming scheme for the computation of optimal k-segments for ordered data. Inf. Syst. 70: 2-17 (2017).
Vincenzo Del Fatto, Gabriella Dodero, Armin Bernhard, Angelo Ferrando, Davide Ancona, Viviana Mascardi, Robert Laurini, Giuseppe Roccasalva:
Hackmytown: an Educational Experience on Smart Cities. IxD&A 32: 153-164 (2017).
Mohammad Javani, Meghdad Mirabi:
An Efficient Index and Data Distribution Scheme for XML Data Broadcast in Mobile Wireless Networks. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 33(1): 159-182 (2017).
Babak Safabahar, Meghdad Mirabi:
A new structure and access mechanism for secure and efficient XML data broadcast in mobile wireless networks. J. Syst. Softw. 125: 119-132 (2017).
Matteo Ceccarello, Carlo Fantozzi, Andrea Pietracaprina, Geppino Pucci, Fabio Vandin:
Clustering Uncertain Graphs. Proc. VLDB Endow. 11(4): 472-484 (2017).
Matteo Ceccarello, Andrea Pietracaprina, Geppino Pucci, Eli Upfal:
MapReduce and Streaming Algorithms for Diversity Maximization in Metric Spaces of Bounded Doubling Dimension. Proc. VLDB Endow. 10(5): 469-480 (2017).
Michael Shekelyan, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper:
DigitHist: a Histogram-Based Data Summary with Tight Error Bounds. Proc. VLDB Endow. 10(11): 1514-1525 (2017).

Rosella Gennari, Vincenzo Del Fatto, Edona Gashi, Julian Sanin, Angelo Ventura:
Gamified Technology Probes for Scaffolding Computational Thinking. COOP 2016: 303-307.
Saeed Fathollahzadeh, Kia Teymourian, Mohsen Sharifi:
Stateful complex event detection on event streams using parallelization of event stream aggregations and detection tasks. DEBS 2016: 390-393.
Sven Helmer, Claus Pahl, Julian Sanin, Lorenzo Miori, Stefan Brocanelli, Filippo Cardano, Daniele Gadler, Daniel Morandini, Alessandro Piccoli, Saifur Salam, Alam Mahabub Sharear, Angelo Ventura, Pekka Abrahamsson, Tosin Daniel Oyetoyan:
Bringing the Cloud to Rural and Remote Areas via Cloudlets. ACM DEV 2016: 14:1-14:10.
Claus Pahl, Sven Helmer, Lorenzo Miori, Julian Sanin, Brian Lee:
A Container-Based Edge Cloud PaaS Architecture Based on Raspberry Pi Clusters. FiCloud Workshops 2016: 117-124.
Theodoros Chondrogiannis, Johann Gamper, Roberto Cavaliere, Patrick Ohnewein:
MoTrIS: a framework for route planning on multimodal transportation networks. SIGSPATIAL/GIS 2016: 82:1-82:4.
Danila Piatov, Sven Helmer, Anton Dignös:
An interval join optimized for modern hardware. ICDE 2016: 1098-1109.
Matteo Ceccarello, Andrea Pietracaprina, Geppino Pucci, Eli Upfal:
A Practical Parallel Algorithm for Diameter Approximation of Massive Weighted Graphs. IPDPS 2016: 12-21.
Fabio Persia, Sven Helmer:
An Event Detection Framework Supported by a Smart Graphical User Interface. IRI 2016: 490-495.
Mahshid Helali Moghadam, Seyed Morteza Babamir, Meghdad Mirabi:
A Multi-Objective Optimization Model for Data-Intensive Workflow Scheduling in Data Grids. LCN Workshops 2016: 25-33.
Theodoros Chondrogiannis, Johann Gamper:
ParDiSP: A Partition-Based Framework for Distance and Shortest Path Queries on Road Networks. MDM 2016: 242-251.
Sven Helmer, Fabio Persia:
An Interval-based Query Language for High-level Surveillance Event Detection. SEBD 2016: 126-133.
Daniela D'Auria, Fabio Persia, Bruno Siciliano:
Human-Computer Interaction in Healthcare: How to Support Patients during Their Wrist Rehabilitation. ICSC 2016: 325-328.
Sven Helmer, Fabio Persia:
High-Level Surveillance Event Detection Using an Interval-Based Query Language. ICSC 2016: 39-46.
Anja Kunkel, Astrid Rheinländer, Christopher Schiefer, Sven Helmer, Panagiotis Bouros, Ulf Leser:
PIEJoin: Towards Parallel Set Containment Joins. SSDBM 2016: 11:1-11:12.
Ozan Kahramanogullari:
Simulating Stochastic Dynamic Interactions with Spatial Information and Flux. TPNC 2016: 149-160.
Ozan Kahramanogullari:
True Concurrency of Deep Inference Proofs. WoLLIC 2016: 249-264.
Nikolaus Krismer, Doris Silbernagl, Johann Gamper, Günther Specht:
osmPti2mmds - Erstellung von multimodalen Datensets aus OpenStreetMap und ÖPNV-Informationen. AGIT Journal Angew. Geoinformatik 2: 185-190 (2016).
Vincenzo Del Fatto, Gabriella Dodero, Rosella Gennari:
How measuring student performances allows for measuring blended extreme apprenticeship for learning Bash programming. Comput. Hum. Behav. 55: 1231-1240 (2016).
Pekka Abrahamsson, Sven Helmer, Tosin Daniel Oyetoyan, Stefan Brocanelli, Filippo Cardano, Daniele Gadler, Daniel Morandini, Alessandro Piccoli, Saifur Salam, Julian Sanin, Alam Mahabub Shahrear, Angelo Ventura:
Bringing the Cloud to Rural and Remote Areas - Cloudlet by Cloudlet. CoRR abs/1605.03622 (2016).
Matteo Ceccarello, Carlo Fantozzi, Andrea Pietracaprina, Geppino Pucci, Fabio Vandin:
Clustering Uncertain Graphs. CoRR abs/1612.06675 (2016).
Matteo Ceccarello, Andrea Pietracaprina, Geppino Pucci, Eli Upfal:
MapReduce and Streaming Algorithms for Diversity Maximization in Metric Spaces of Bounded Doubling Dimension. CoRR abs/1605.05590 (2016).
Sven Helmer, Fabio Persia:
ISEQL, an Interval-based Surveillance Event Query Language. Int. J. Multim. Data Eng. Manag. 7(4): 1-21 (2016).
Ali Borjian Boroujeni, Meghdad Mirabi:
A Novel Replication Strategy for Efficient XML Data Broadcast in Wireless Mobile Networks. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 32(2): 309-327 (2016).
Hossein Mirabi, Meghdad Mirabi, Ali Borjian Boroujeni:
An Efficient XML Data Placement Scheme over Multiple Wireless Broadcast Channels. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 32(5): 1183-1203 (2016).
Daniel Taliun, Johann Gamper, Ulf Leser, Cristian Pattaro:
Fast Sampling-Based Whole-Genome Haplotype Block Recognition. IEEE ACM Trans. Comput. Biol. Bioinform. 13(2): 315-325 (2016).
Anton Dignös, Michael H. Böhlen, Johann Gamper, Christian S. Jensen:
Extending the Kernel of a Relational DBMS with Comprehensive Support for Sequenced Temporal Queries. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 41(4): 26:1-26:46 (2016).

Flora Amato, Luca Greco, Fabio Persia, Silvestro Roberto Poccia, Aniello De Santo:
Content-Based Multimedia Retrieval. Data Management in Pervasive Systems 2015: 291-310.
Fabio Persia, Daniela D'Auria:
A Distributed Framework for Event Detection in Video Surveillance Context. 3PGCIC 2015: 578-583.
Giovanni Mahlknecht, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper:
Efficient Computation of Parsimonious Temporal Aggregation. ADBIS 2015: 320-333.
Matteo Ceccarello, Francesco Silvestri:
Experimental Evaluation of Multi-Round Matrix Multiplication on MapReduce. ALENEX 2015: 119-132.
Roberto Zunino, Durica Nikolic, Corrado Priami, Ozan Kahramanogullari, Tommaso Schiavinotto:
ℓ: An Imperative DSL to Stochastically Simulate Biological Systems. Programming Languages with Applications to Biology and Security 2015: 354-374.
Khaled Hamed Alyoubi, Sven Helmer, Peter T. Wood:
Ordering Selection Operators Under Partial Ignorance. CIKM 2015: 1521-1530.
Roberto Amadini, Fabio Biselli, Maurizio Gabbrielli, Tong Liu, Jacopo Mauro:
SUNNY for algorithm selection: a preliminary study. CILC 2015: 202-206.
Flora Amato, Aniello De Santo, Francesco Gargiulo, Vincenzo Moscato, Fabio Persia, Antonio Picariello, Giancarlo Sperlì:
A Novel Approach to Query Expansion based on Semantic Similarity Measures. DATA 2015: 344-353.
Saeed Fathollahzadeh, Reza Karimi, Mohsen Sharifi, Kia Teymourian, Ahmad Hasan, Adrian Paschke:
Parallel event processing on unbound streams with multi-step windowing. DEBS 2015: 328-329.
Vincenzo Del Fatto, Gabriella Dodero, Roberta Lena:
Experiencing a New Method in Teaching Databases using Blended eXtreme Apprenticeship. DMS 2015: 124-130.
Vincenzo Del Fatto, Vincenzo Deufemia, Luca Paolino, Sara Tumiati:
WiSPY: A Tool for Visual Specification and Verification of Spatial Integrity Constraints. DMS 2015: 39-48.
Theodoros Chondrogiannis, Panagiotis Bouros, Johann Gamper, Ulf Leser:
Alternative routing: k-shortest paths with limited overlap. SIGSPATIAL/GIS 2015: 68:1-68:4.
Flora Amato, Aniello De Santo, Francesco Gargiulo, Vincenzo Moscato, Fabio Persia, Antonio Picariello, Silvestro Roberto Poccia:
SemTree: An index for supporting semantic retrieval of documents. ICDE Workshops 2015: 62-67.
Michael Shekelyan, Gregor Jossé, Matthias Schubert:
Linear path skylines in multicriteria networks. ICDE 2015: 459-470.
Roberto Amadini, Fabio Biselli, Maurizio Gabbrielli, Tong Liu, Jacopo Mauro:
Feature Selection for SUNNY: A Study on the Algorithm Selection Library. ICTAI 2015: 25-32.
Daniela D'Auria, Fabio Persia, Bruno Siciliano:
A Low-Cost Haptic System for Wrist Rehabilitation. IRI 2015: 491-495.
Flora Amato, Roberto Boselli, Mirko Cesarini, Fabio Mercorio, Mario Mezzanzanica, Vincenzo Moscato, Fabio Persia, Antonio Picariello:
Classification of Web Job Advertisements: A Case Study. SEBD 2015: 144-151.
Flora Amato, Aniello De Santo, Vincenzo Moscato, Fabio Persia, Antonio Picariello, Silvestro Roberto Poccia, Giancarlo Sperlì:
A structure-based approach for ontology partitioning. SEBD 2015: 184-191.
Flora Amato, Roberto Boselli, Mirko Cesarini, Fabio Mercorio, Mario Mezzanzanica, Vincenzo Moscato, Fabio Persia, Antonio Picariello:
Challenge: Processing web texts for classifying job offers. ICSC 2015: 460-463.
Flora Amato, Aniello De Santo, Vincenzo Moscato, Fabio Persia, Antonio Picariello, Silvestro Roberto Poccia:
Partitioning of ontologies driven by a structure-based approach. ICSC 2015: 320-323.
Sven Helmer, Vuong Minh Ngo:
A Similarity Measure for Weaving Patterns in Textiles. SIGIR 2015: 163-172.
Fabio Persia, Daniela D'Auria, Giancarlo Sperlì, A. Tufano:
A Prototype for Anomaly Detection in Video Surveillance Context. SoMeT 2015: 517-528.
Matteo Ceccarello, Andrea Pietracaprina, Geppino Pucci, Eli Upfal:
Space and Time Efficient Parallel Graph Decomposition, Clustering, and Diameter Approximation. SPAA 2015: 182-191.
Michael Shekelyan, Gregor Jossé, Matthias Schubert:
ParetoPrep: Efficient Lower Bounds for Path Skylines and Fast Path Computation. SSTD 2015: 40-58.
Ozan Kahramanogullari, Luca Cardelli:
Gener: a minimal programming module for chemical controllers based on DNA strand displacement. Bioinform. 31(17): 2906-2908 (2015).
Khaled Hamed Alyoubi, Sven Helmer, Peter T. Wood:
Ordering Selection Operators Using the Minmax Regret Rule. CoRR abs/1507.08257 (2015).
Matteo Ceccarello, Andrea Pietracaprina, Geppino Pucci, Eli Upfal:
A Practical Parallel Algorithm for Diameter Approximation of Massive Weighted Graphs. CoRR abs/1506.03265 (2015).
Meghdad Mirabi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Leila Fathi, Nur Izura Udzir, Ali Mamat:
A Dynamic Compressed Accessibility Map for Secure XML Querying and Updating. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 31(1): 59-93 (2015).
Richard Brownlow, Stefano Capuzzi, Sven Helmer, Luciana Martins, Immanuel Normann, Alexandra Poulovassilis:
An Ontological Approach to Creating an Andean Weaving Knowledge Base. ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 8(2): 11:1-11:31 (2015).
Nattakarn Phaphoom, Xiaofeng Wang, Sarah Samuel, Sven Helmer, Pekka Abrahamsson:
A survey study on major technical barriers affecting the decision to adopt cloud services. J. Syst. Softw. 103: 167-181 (2015).
Vincenzo Del Fatto, Vincenzo Deufemia, Luca Paolino, Sara Tumiati:
WiSPY: A Tool for Visual Specification and Verification of Spatial Integrity Constraints. J. Vis. Lang. Sentient Syst. 1 (2015).

Bruno Cadonna, Johann Gamper, Michael H. Böhlen:
A Robust Skip-Till-Next-Match Selection Strategy for Event Pattern Matching. ADBIS 2014: 177-191.
Hind Hamrouni, Zouhaier Brahmia, Rafik Bouaziz:
An Efficient Approach for Detecting and Repairing Data Inconsistencies Resulting from Retroactive Updates in Multi-temporal and Multi-version XML Databases. ADBIS (2) 2014: 135-146.
Vincenzo Del Fatto, Gabriella Dodero, Rosella Gennari, Alessandra Melonio, Marco Montali, Simon Razniewski, Santina Torello, Xiaofeng Wang, Floriano Zini:
Gamified children universities: an exploratory study. CHI PLAY 2014: 409-410.
Michael Shekelyan, Gregor Jossé, Matthias Schubert, Hans-Peter Kriegel:
Linear Path Skyline Computation in Bicriteria Networks. DASFAA (1) 2014: 173-187.
Daniela D'Auria, Fabio Persia:
Discovering Expected Activities in Medical Context Scientific Databases. DATA 2014: 446-453.
Daniela D'Auria, Fabio Persia:
A Framework for Real-Time Evaluation of Medical Doctors' Performances While Using a Cricothyrotomy Simulator. DATA (Revised Selected Papers) 2014: 182-198.
Hind Hamrouni, Zouhaier Brahmia, Rafik Bouaziz:
Automatic and Graceful Repairing of Data Inconsistencies Resulting from Retroactive Updates in Temporal Xml Databases. DATA 2014: 243-250.
Flora Amato, Francesco Gargiulo, Vincenzo Moscato, Fabio Persia, Antonio Picariello:
Recommendation of Multimedia Objects for Social Network Applications. EDBT/ICDT Workshops 2014: 288-293.
Paolo Bolzoni, Sven Helmer, Kevin Wellenzohn, Johann Gamper, Periklis Andritsos:
Efficient itinerary planning with category constraints. SIGSPATIAL/GIS 2014: 203-212.
Friederike Klan, Günther Specht, Johann Gamper:
Proceedings of the 26th GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, October 21st to 24th, 2014. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1313, 2014.
Theodoros Chondrogiannis, Johann Gamper:
Exploring Graph Partitioning for Shortest Path Queries on Road Networks. Grundlagen von Datenbanken 2014: 71-76.
Nikolaus Krismer, Günther Specht, Johann Gamper:
Incremental Calculation of Isochrones Regarding Duration. Grundlagen von Datenbanken 2014: 41-46.
Kevin Wellenzohn, Hannes Mitterer, Johann Gamper, Michael H. Böhlen, Mourad Khayati:
Missing Value Imputation in Time Series Using Top-k Case Matching. Grundlagen von Datenbanken 2014: 77-82.
Vincenzo Del Fatto, Gabriella Dodero, Rosella Gennari:
Assessing Student Perception of Extreme Apprenticeship for Operating Systems. ICALT 2014: 459-460.
Mourad Khayati, Michael H. Böhlen, Johann Gamper:
Memory-efficient centroid decomposition for long time series. ICDE 2014: 100-111.
Mohammad Tareq Jaber, Panagiotis Papapetrou, Sven Helmer, Peter T. Wood:
Using Time-Sensitive Rooted PageRank to Detect Hierarchical Social Relationships. IDA 2014: 143-154.
Daniela D'Auria, Fabio Persia:
Automatic evaluation of medical doctors' performances while using a cricothyrotomy simulator. IRI 2014: 514-519.
Vincenzo Del Fatto, Gabriella Dodero, Rosella Gennari, Naomi Mastachi:
Extreme Apprenticeship Meets Playful Design at Operating Systems Labs: A Case Study. MIS4TEL 2014: 19-26.
Fabio Persia, Daniela D'Auria:
An application for finding expected activities in medical context scientific databases. SEBD 2014: 77-88.
Fabio Persia, Silvestro Roberto Poccia, Flora Amato, Francesco Gargiulo, Aniello De Santo:
Finding unexplained human behaviors in Social Networks. SEBD 2014: 89-96.
Flora Amato, Aniello De Santo, Vincenzo Moscato, Fabio Persia, Antonio Picariello:
Detecting Unexplained Human Behaviors in Social Networks. ICSC 2014: 143-150.
Anton Dignös, Michael H. Böhlen, Johann Gamper:
Overlap interval partition join. SIGMOD Conference 2014: 1459-1470.
Mohammad Tareq Jaber, Peter T. Wood, Panagiotis Papapetrou, Sven Helmer:
Inferring offline hierarchical ties from online social networks. WWW (Companion Volume) 2014: 1261-1266.
Daniel Taliun, Johann Gamper, Cristian Pattaro:
Efficient haplotype block recognition of very long and dense genetic sequences. BMC Bioinform. 15: 10 (2014).
Matteo Ceccarello, Andrea Pietracaprina, Geppino Pucci, Eli Upfal:
Parallel Graph Decomposition and Diameter Approximation in o(Diameter) Time and Linear Space. CoRR abs/1407.3144 (2014).
Matteo Ceccarello, Francesco Silvestri:
Experimental Evaluation of Multi-Round Matrix Multiplication on MapReduce. CoRR abs/1408.2858 (2014).
Ozan Kahramanogullari:
Interaction and Depth against Nondeterminism in Proof Search. Log. Methods Comput. Sci. 10(2) (2014).
Michael Shekelyan, Gregor Jossé, Matthias Schubert:
ParetoPrep: Fast computation of Path Skylines Queries. CoRR abs/1410.0205 (2014).
Vincenzo Del Fatto, Gabriella Dodero, Rosella Gennari:
Operating Systems with Blended Extreme Apprenticeship: What Are Students' Perceptions?. IxD&A 23: 24-37 (2014).
Hamidah Ibrahim, Yaser Karasneh, Meghdad Mirabi, Razali Yaakob, Mohamed Othman:
An Automatic Domain Independent Schema Matching in Integrating Schemas of Heterogeneous Relational Databases. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 30(5): 1505-1536 (2014).
Leila Fathi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Meghdad Mirabi:
An energy conservation indexing method for secure XML data broadcast in mobile wireless networks. Pervasive Mob. Comput. 13: 125-141 (2014).
Meghdad Mirabi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Leila Fathi:
PS+Pre/Post: A novel structure and access mechanism for wireless XML stream supporting twig pattern queries. Pervasive Mob. Comput. 15: 3-25 (2014).
Matteo Ceccarello, Oksana Tkachuk:
Automated generation of model classes for Java PathFinder. ACM SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes 39(1): 1-5 (2014).
Massimiliano Albanese, Cristian Molinaro, Fabio Persia, Antonio Picariello, V. S. Subrahmanian:
Discovering the Top-k Unexplained Sequences in Time-Stamped Observation Data. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 26(3): 577-594 (2014).
Massimiliano Albanese, Robert F. Erbacher, Sushil Jajodia, Cristian Molinaro, Fabio Persia, Antonio Picariello, Giancarlo Sperlì, V. S. Subrahmanian:
Recognizing Unexplained Behavior in Network Traffic. Network Science and Cybersecurity 2014: 39-62.

Jan P. Finis, Martin Raiber, Nikolaus Augsten, Robert Brunel, Alfons Kemper, Franz Färber:
RWS-Diff: flexible and efficient change detection in hierarchical data. CIKM 2013: 339-348.
Pekka Abrahamsson, Sven Helmer, Nattakarn Phaphoom, Lorenzo Nicolodi, Nick Preda, Lorenzo Miori, Matteo Angriman, Juha Rikkilä, Xiaofeng Wang, Karim Hamily, Sara Bugoloni:
Affordable and Energy-Efficient Cloud Computing Clusters: The Bolzano Raspberry Pi Cloud Cluster Experiment. CloudCom (2) 2013: 170-175.
Christian Ammendola, Michael H. Böhlen, Johann Gamper:
Efficient Evaluation of Ad-Hoc Range Aggregates. DaWaK 2013: 46-59.
Vincenzo Del Fatto, Gabriella Dodero, Ashraf ul-Islam Chowdhury, Luca Geraci:
Visualizing Geographic Learning Objects through a Mobile Learning Application. DMS 2013: 90-94.
Flora Amato, Francesco Gargiulo, Vincenzo Moscato, Fabio Persia, Antonio Picariello:
PSIS: Parallel Semantic Indexing System - Preliminary Experiments. ICA3PP (2) 2013: 133-140.
Carlo Giovannella, Andrea Gobbi, Bingxue Zhang, Mar Pérez-Sanagustín, Jesko Elsner, Vincenzo Del Fatto, Nikolaos M. Avouris, Imran A. Zualkernan:
Villard-de-Lans: A Case Study for Participatory People-Centered Smart City Learning Design. ICALT 2013: 461-462.
Vincenzo Del Fatto, Luca Paolino, Monica Sebillo, Giuliana Vitiello, Genoveffa Tortora:
Querying Spatial and Temporal Data by Condition Tree: Two Examples Based on Environmental Issues. ICCSA (1) 2013: 241-252.
Anton Dignös, Michael H. Böhlen, Johann Gamper:
Query time scaling of attribute values in interval timestamped databases. ICDE 2013: 1304-1307.
Leila Fathi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Meghdad Mirabi:
An air indexing method for encrypted XML data broadcast in mobile wireless network. MobiDE 2013: 28-35.
Andrea Janes, Danila Piatov, Alberto Sillitti, Giancarlo Succi:
How to Calculate Software Metrics for Multiple Languages Using Open Source Parsers. OSS 2013: 264-270.
Flora Amato, Vincenzo Moscato, Fabio Persia, Antonio Picariello, Francesco Gargiulo:
An RDF-Based Framework for Semantic Indexing of Web Pages. ICSC 2013: 395-396.
Markus Innerebner, Michael H. Böhlen, Johann Gamper:
ISOGA: A System for Geographical Reachability Analysis. W2GIS 2013: 180-189.
Ozan Kahramanogullari, James F. Lynch:
Stochastic flux analysis of chemical reaction networks. BMC Syst. Biol. 7: 133 (2013).
Wolfgang Nejdl, Johann Gamper:
Model-Based Diagnosis with Qualitative Temporal Uncertainty. CoRR abs/1302.6832 (2013).
Michail Kazimianec, Nikolaus Augsten:
Clustering with Proximity Graphs: Exact and Efficient Algorithms. Int. J. Knowl. Based Organ. 3(4): 84-104 (2013).
Ozan Kahramanogullari, Luca Cardelli:
An Intuitive Modelling Interface for Systems Biology. Int. J. Softw. Informatics 7(4): 655-674 (2013).
Vincenzo Del Fatto, Gabriella Dodero:
Geographic Learning Objects in Smart Cities Context. IxD&A 17: 53-66 (2013).
Nikolaus Augsten, Michael H. Böhlen, Johann Gamper:
The address connector: noninvasive synchronization of hierarchical data sources. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 37(3): 639-663 (2013).
Massimiliano Albanese, Antonio d'Acierno, Vincenzo Moscato, Fabio Persia, Antonio Picariello:
A Multimedia Recommender System. ACM Trans. Internet Techn. 13(1): 3:1-3:32 (2013).
Fabio Persia:
Finding unexplained activities in time-stamped observation data. University of Naples Federico II, Italy 2013.
Nikolaus Augsten, Michael H. Böhlen:
Similarity Joins in Relational Database Systems. Synthesis Lectures on Data Management, Morgan & Claypool Publishers 2013.

Mouna Kacimi, Johann Gamper:
MOUNA: mining opinions to unveil neglected arguments. CIKM 2012: 2722-2724.
Arthur Pitman, Markus Zanker, Johann Gamper, Periklis Andritsos:
Individualized Hiking Time Estimation. DEXA Workshops 2012: 101-105.
Fei Chiang, Periklis Andritsos, Erkang Zhu, Renée J. Miller:
AutoDict: Automated Dictionary Discovery. ICDE 2012: 1277-1280.
Benjamin Gufler, Nikolaus Augsten, Angelika Reiser, Alfons Kemper:
Load Balancing in MapReduce Based on Scalable Cardinality Estimates. ICDE 2012: 522-533.
Bruno Cadonna, Johann Gamper, Michael H. Böhlen:
Efficient event pattern matching with match windows. KDD 2012: 471-479.
Theodoros Chondrogiannis, Alex Delis:
A geography-aware service overlay network for managing moving objects. MobiDE 2012: 31-38.
Danila Piatov, Andrea Janes, Alberto Sillitti, Giancarlo Succi:
Using the Eclipse C/C++ Development Tooling as a Robust, Fully Functional, Actively Maintained, Open Source C++ Parser. OSS 2012: 399.
Angelo Chianese, Vincenzo Moscato, Fabio Persia, Antonio Picariello, Carlo Sansone:
A Framework for Building Multimedia Ontologies from Web Information Sources. SEBD 2012: 83-90.
Ozan Kahramanogullari, James F. Lynch, Corrado Priami:
Algorithmic Systems Ecology: Experiments on Multiple Interaction Types and Patches. SEFM Satellite Events 2012: 154-171.
Antonio d'Acierno, Vincenzo Moscato, Fabio Persia, Antonio Picariello, Antonio Penta:
iWIN: A Summarizer System Based on a Semantic Analysis of Web Documents. ICSC 2012: 162-169.
Anton Dignös, Michael H. Böhlen, Johann Gamper:
Temporal alignment. SIGMOD Conference 2012: 433-444.
Johann Gamper, Michael H. Böhlen, Markus Innerebner:
Scalable Computation of Isochrones with Network Expiration. SSDBM 2012: 526-543.
Davide De Chiara, Vincenzo Del Fatto, Monica Sebillo, Genoveffa Tortora, Giuliana Vitiello:
Tag@Map: A Web-Based Application for Visually Analyzing Geographic Information through Georeferenced Tag Clouds. W2GIS 2012: 72-81.
Christian Fuchsberger, Daniel Taliun, Peter P. Pramstaller, Cristian Pattaro:
GWAtoolbox: an R package for fast quality control and handling of genome-wide association studies meta-analysis data. Bioinform. 28(3): 444-445 (2012).
Mateusz Pawlik, Nikolaus Augsten:
RTED: A Robust Algorithm for the Tree Edit Distance. CoRR abs/1201.0230 (2012).
Carlos D. Barranco, Sven Helmer:
An impact ordering approach for indexing fuzzy sets. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 196: 33-46 (2012).
Mourad Khayati, Jay Martin Anderson, Michael H. Böhlen, Johann Gamper, Manfred Mitterer:
Similarity of chemotherapy histories based on imputed values. Int. J. Medical Eng. Informatics 4(3): 282-298 (2012).
Georgia Garani, Sven Helmer:
Integrating Star and Snowflake Schemas in Data Warehouses. Int. J. Data Warehous. Min. 8(4): 22-40 (2012).
Meghdad Mirabi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Nur Izura Udzir, Ali Mamat:
An encoding scheme based on fractional number for querying and updating XML data. J. Syst. Softw. 85(8): 1831-1851 (2012).
Meghdad Mirabi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Nur Izura Udzir, Ali Mamat:
A Compact Bit String Accessibility Map for Secure XML Query Processing. ANT/MobiWIS 2012: 1172-1179.
Matteo Ceccarello, Nastaran Shafiei:
Tools to generate and check consistency of model classes for Java PathFinder. ACM SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes 37(6): 1-5 (2012).
Nikolaus Augsten, Michael H. Böhlen, Curtis E. Dyreson, Johann Gamper:
Windowed pq-grams for approximate joins of data-centric XML. VLDB J. 21(4): 463-488 (2012).
Juozas Gordevicius, Johann Gamper, Michael H. Böhlen:
Parsimonious temporal aggregation. VLDB J. 21(3): 309-332 (2012).
Sven Helmer, Nikolaus Augsten, Michael H. Böhlen:
Measuring structural similarity of semistructured data based on information-theoretic approaches. VLDB J. 21(5): 677-702 (2012).

Johann Gamper, Michael H. Böhlen, Willi Cometti, Markus Innerebner:
Defining isochrones in multimodal spatial networks. CIKM 2011: 2381-2384.
Mouna Kacimi, Johann Gamper:
Diversifying search results of controversial queries. CIKM 2011: 93-98.
Benjamin Gufler, Nikolaus Augsten, Angelika Reiser, Alfons Kemper:
Handling Data Skew in MapReduce. CLOSER 2011: 574-583.
Michail Kazimianec, Nikolaus Augsten:
PG-Skip: Proximity Graph Based Clustering of Long Strings. DASFAA (2) 2011: 31-46.
Meghdad Mirabi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Nur Izura Udzir, Ali Mamat:
Label Size Increment of Bit String Based Labeling Scheme in Dynamic XML Updating. DEIS 2011: 466-477.
Bruno Cadonna, Johann Gamper, Michael H. Böhlen:
Sequenced event set pattern matching. EDBT 2011: 33-44.
Paola Lecca, Ozan Kahramanogullari, Daniele Morpurgo, Corrado Priami, Ross A. Soo:
Poster: Modelling the tumor shrinkage pharmacodynamics with BlenX. ICCABS 2011: 251.
Massimiliano Albanese, Cristian Molinaro, Fabio Persia, Antonio Picariello, V. S. Subrahmanian:
Finding "Unexplained" Activities in Video. IJCAI 2011: 1628-1634.
Meghdad Mirabi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Leila Fathi, Nur Izura Udzir, Ali Mamat:
An Access Control Model for Supporting XML Document Updating. NDT 2011: 37-46.
Meghdad Mirabi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Ali Mamat, Nur Izura Udzir:
Integrating Access Control Mechanism with EXEL Labeling Scheme for XML Document Updating. NDT 2011: 24-36.
Massimiliano Albanese, Antonio d'Acierno, Vincenzo Moscato, Fabio Persia, Antonio Picariello:
A Multimedia Semantic Recommender System for Cultural Heritage Applications. ICSC 2011: 403-410.
Michail Kazimianec, Nikolaus Augsten:
PG-Join: Proximity Graph Based String Similarity Joins. SSDBM 2011: 274-292.
Paola Lecca, Ozan Kahramanogullari, Daniele Morpurgo, Corrado Priami, Ross A. Soo:
Modelling and Estimating Dynamics of Tumor Shrinkage with BlenX and Kinfer. UKSim 2011: 75-80.
Ozan Kahramanogullari, Ferenc Jordán, James F. Lynch:
CoSBiLab LIME: A language interface for stochastic dynamical modelling in ecology. Environ. Model. Softw. 26(5): 685-687 (2011).
Massimiliano Albanese, Antonio d'Acierno, Vincenzo Moscato, Fabio Persia, Antonio Picariello:
A Novel Strategy for Recommending Multimedia Objects and its Application in the Cultural Heritage Domain. Int. J. Multim. Data Eng. Manag. 2(4): 1-18 (2011).
Andrew McDonald, Sven Helmer:
A Comparative Case Study of Indonesian and UK Organisational Culture Differences in IS Project Management. Int. J. Technol. Hum. Interact. 7(2): 28-37 (2011).
Michael O. Akinde, Michael H. Böhlen, Damianos Chatziantoniou, Johann Gamper:
theta-Constrained multi-dimensional aggregation. Inf. Syst. 36(2): 341-358 (2011).
Mateusz Pawlik, Nikolaus Augsten:
RTED: A Robust Algorithm for the Tree Edit Distance. Proc. VLDB Endow. 5(4): 334-345 (2011).
Nikolaus Augsten, Denilson Barbosa, Michael H. Böhlen, Themis Palpanas:
Efficient Top-k Approximate Subtree Matching in Small Memory. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 23(8): 1123-1137 (2011).
Davide De Chiara, Vincenzo Del Fatto, Robert Laurini, Monica Sebillo, Giuliana Vitiello:
A chorem-based approach for visually analyzing spatial data. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 22(3): 173-193 (2011).
Igor Timko, Michael H. Böhlen, Johann Gamper:
Sequenced spatiotemporal aggregation for coarse query granularities. VLDB J. 20(5): 721-741 (2011).

Michail Kazimianec, Nikolaus Augsten:
Exact and Efficient Proximity Graph Computation. ADBIS 2010: 289-304.
Sarunas Marciuska, Johann Gamper:
Determining Objects within Isochrones in Spatial Network Databases. ADBIS 2010: 392-405.
Sandro Bimonte, Vincenzo Del Fatto, Luca Paolino, Monica Sebillo, Giuliana Vitiello:
A Visual Query Language for Spatial Data Warehouses. AGILE Conf. 2010: 43-60.
Ozan Kahramanogullari, Ferenc Jordán, Corrado Priami:
Composability: Perspectives in Ecological Modeling. ANB 2010: 136-148.
Juozas Gordevicius, Francisco J. Estrada, Hyun Chul Lee, Periklis Andritsos, Johann Gamper:
Ranking of evolving stories through meta-aggregation. CIKM 2010: 1909-1912.
Massimiliano Albanese, Antonio d'Acierno, Vincenzo Moscato, Fabio Persia, Antonio Picariello:
A ranking method for multimedia recommenders. CIVR 2010: 311-318.
Andrea F. Abate, Vincenzo Del Fatto, Michele Nappi, Stefano Ricciardi, Genoveffa Tortora:
Immersive Gesture-based Interface for Effective 3D Geographic Data Manipulation. DMS 2010: 261-264.
Nikolaus Augsten, Denilson Barbosa, Michael H. Böhlen, Themis Palpanas:
TASM: Top-k Approximate Subtree Matching. ICDE 2010: 353-364.
Vincenzo Moscato, Antonio Penta, Fabio Persia, Antonio Picariello:
MOWIS: A System for Building Multimedia Ontologies from Web Information Sources. IIR 2010: 89-93.
Meghdad Mirabi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Leila Fathi:
Transferring Clinical Information between Heterogeneous Hospital Database Systems in P2P Networks. NDT (2) 2010: 456-465.
Massimiliano Albanese, Antonio d'Acierno, Vincenzo Moscato, Fabio Persia, Antonio Picariello:
Modeling recommendation as a social choice problem. RecSys 2010: 329-332.
Antonio d'Acierno, Vincenzo Moscato, Fabio Persia, Antonio Picariello, Antonio Penta:
Semantic Summarization of Web Documents. ICSC 2010: 430-435.
Romans Kasperovics, Michael H. Böhlen, Johann Gamper:
On the Efficient Construction of Multislices from Recurrences. SSDBM 2010: 42-59.
Ozan Kahramanogullari:
Flux Analysis in Process Models via Causality. FBTC 2010: 20-39.
Nikolaus Augsten, Michael H. Böhlen, Johann Gamper:
The pq-gram distance between ordered labeled trees. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 35(1): 4:1-4:36 (2010).
Periklis Andritsos, Panayiotis Tsaparas:
Categorical Data Clustering. Encyclopedia of Machine Learning 2010: 154-159.
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