Open BSc/MSc Theses
Forecasting of global horizontal irradiance in South Tyrol [MSc]
Global horizontal irradiance (GHI) is the total amount of shortwave radiation received by a surface horizontal to the ground and is particularly crucial for photovoltaic systems. The aim of this project is to develop a robust short term forecasting technique for GHI that can be used to estimate the amount of energy produced by photovoltaics installations. The project consists of two main tasks. (a) evaluate the accuracy of state of the art techniques for short term forecasting of the GHI from historical measurements and (b) improve the forecasting robustness by including external factors.Contact persons: Anton Dignös
Implementation of a Range Join as a PostgreSQL extension [BSc/MSc]
PostgreSQL is a database system that was designed to be extendible without changing its core code. The aim of this project is to implement a range merge join using the C programming language using the Custom Scan extension module which can then be used to improve the performance of queries.Contact persons: Anton Dignös
An efficient greedy algorithm for the non-fractional, multidimensional knap sack problem [MSc]
The aim of this project is to develop an efficient greedy algorithm which is able to solve a real world knap sack problem from the transport industry on-the-fly. The real-world problem is that depending on how parcels are arranged on pallets, the price for the transport may vary, because the total weight is not the only decisive parameter for the resulting price. The developed algorithm will eventually be used in a real application. (More info: Abstract)Contact persons: Johann Gamper and Hannes Mitterer: contact
Master Project in Computational Metabolomics [MSc]
The aim of this project is to establish workflows to determine retention times and possible ions for specific compounds from experimental LC-MS data and to develop software solutions to combine laboratory-specific and public domain LC-MS data annotation resources. (More info: Abstract)Contact persons: Johann Gamper and Johannes Rainer: contact
Analysis of P-wave morphology in the ECG CHRIS study database to predict complex arrhythmias [MSc]
The analysis of the electrocardiographic waves in the ECG signal can give information on the presence of cardiac diseases. In particular, the characterization of the P-wave is gaining increasing attention, as a non-invasive marker of atrial chamber functionality and disease state. The proposed project aims to find novel markers of cardiac diseases and to predict complex arrhythmias, such as atrial fibrillation, by characterizing the morphology of the P-wave in a large database of ECG signals, obtained from the Cooperative Health Research in South Tyrol (CHRIS) study, a population-based resource established by the Eurac Research Institute for Biomedicine. (More info: Abstract)Contact persons: Johann Gamper, Flavia Ravelli: contact, Michela Masé: contact, and Cristian Pattaro: contact
Familial Aggregation Analysis of Continuous Traits [MSc]
Familial aggregation studies investigate whether a disease of interest is observed in families more than would be expected by chance alone. These studies represent a first key step in the investigation of genetic risk of disease. The proposed project aims to extend the FamAgg R package for familial aggregation analysis that has been developed at the Eurac Research Institute for Biomedicine. The main goal of the project is to improve the analysis of continuous traits. (More info: Abstract; References FamAgg)Contact persons: Johann Gamper, Christian Weichenberger: contact, and Francisco Domingues: contact
Visual analysis of health and disease in the CHRIS study [MSc]
Why do we get sick? The Cooperative Health Research In South Tyrol (CHRIS) study is a population-based resource established in 2011 that tries to answer this question. This project will focus on the development of a tool that will enable researchers to explore CHRIS data and investigate the role of genetics, lifestyle and environment on human health. (More info: Abstract; CHRIS study)Contact persons: Johann Gamper and Dr. Christian Fuchsberger (project coordinator at Eurac Research): contact
Period index: a hash-index for range and duration queries [BSc/MSc]
The period index offers efficient access to interval-timestamped data that is constrained by the position of the timestamp on the timeline and/or the duration of the timestamp (e.g., all patients in the first half of 2019 who were in treatment for less than one month). The aim of this project is to first implement this index structure and then to parallelize the index-based data retrieval. (More on the period index: Paper)Contact persons: Johann Gamper or Anton Dignös
Efficient approximate temporal aggregation [MSc]
Aggregation is an important but time-consuming operation in temporal databases. Rather than computing an exact solution, this project aims at developing an algorithm to compute an approximate solution for temporal aggregation, which can be efficiently implemented in relational databases and scales for large amounts of data.Contact persons: Johann Gamper or Anton Dignös
Implementation of temporal operators with UDFs [MSc]
While the storage of temporal data is supported by most database management systems, the support for querying such data is still very limited. This project aims at implementing temporal query support by means of so-called user-defined functions.Contact persons: Johann Gamper or Anton Dignös
Supporting the processing of time series data in relational databases
Time series (TS) data is an important category of data in many application areas, e.g., sensor applications, IoT. To process such data, ad hoc time series data management systems have been developed. This project aims at developing a solution to process TS data in relational database systems.Contact persons: Johann Gamper or Anton Dignös
Paper accepted at the EDBT PhD Workshop
The paper "Integrating Heterogeneous Contextual Data for Enhanced Time Series Analysis" by S. Burero has been accepted at the EDBT PhD Workshop in Barcelona, Spain.
Anton Dignös appointed PC Co-Chair of DaWak 2025
Anton has been appointed PC Co-Chair of DaWak 2025 in Bangkok, Thailand.
Book chapter published in Synthetic Promoters
The book chapter "Chemical Reaction Models in Synthetic Promoter Design in Bacteria" by O. Kahramanogullari has been published in Synthetic Promoters. [link]
Demo accepted at VLDB 2024
The demo paper "SEER: An End-to-End Toolkit for Benchmarking Time Series Database Systems in Monitoring Applications" by L. Althaus, M. Khayati, A. Khelifati, A. Dignös, D. Difallah, and P. Cudre-Mauroux has been accepted for publication at VLDB 2024 in Guangzhou, China.
Presentation accepted at ISBRA 2024
Our paper "Causal Analysis in Bio-pathways via Stochastically Simulated Perturbations" by O. Kahramanogullari, A. Dignös, and J. Gamper has been accepted for presentation at ISBRA 2024 in Kunming, China.
Paper accepted in ACM Computing Surveys
Our paper "Self-tuning Database Systems: A Systematic Literature Review of Automatic Schema Design and Tuning" by M. Mozaffari, A. Dignös, J. Gamper, and U. Störl has been accepted for publication in ACM Computing Surveys.
Paper accepted at DAWAK 2024
Our paper "Comparison of Measures for Characterizing the Difficulty of Time Series Classification" by A. Charane, M. Ceccarello, and J. Gamper has been accepted for publication at DAWAK 2024 in Naples, Italy.
Paper accepted at DAWAK 2024
Our paper "QPAVE: A Multi-task Question Answering Approach for Fine-Grained Product Attribute Value Extraction" by K. Sabeh, M. Kacimi, and J. Gamper has been accepted for publication at DAWAK 2024 in Naples, Italy.
Paper accepted in Information Systems Frontiers
Our paper "Efficiently labeling and retrieving temporal anomalies in relational databases" by C. Khnaisser, H. Hamrouni, D. B. Blumenthal, A. Dignös, and J. Gamper has been accepted for publication in Information Systems Frontiers.
Paper accepted at LPAR 2024
Our paper "Proof Search in Deep Inference: The Need for Shallow Inference" by O. Kahramanogullari has been accepted for publication at LPAR 2024 in Port Louis, Mauritius.
Paper accepted at DASFAA 2024
Our paper "Parallel Processing of Temporal Anti-Joins in Memory" by I. Reppas, M. Mirabi, L. Fathi, C. Binnig, A. Dignös, and J. Gamper has been accepted for publication at DASFAA 2024 in Gifu, Japan.
Paper accepted at DOLAP 2024
Our paper "Shapelets Evaluation using Silhouettes for Time Series Classification" by A. Charane, M. Ceccarello, and J. Gamper has been accepted for publication at DOLAP 2024 in Paestum, Italy.
Best Paper Award at SSDBM 2023
Our paper "Indexing Temporal Relations for Range-Duration Queries" by M. Ceccarello, A. Dignös, J. Gamper, and C. Khnaisser has been selected for the best paper award at SSDBM 2023 in Los Angeles, CA, USA. Congratulations!
Paper accepted at VLDB 2023
Our paper "TSM-Bench: Benchmarking Time Series Database Systems for Monitoring Applications" by A. Khelifati, M. Khayati, A. Dignös, D. Difallah, and P. Cudre-Mauroux has been accepted for publication at VLDB 2023 in Vancouver, Canada.
Best Paper Award at ADBIS 2022
Our paper "Querying Temporal Anomalies in Healthcare Information Systems and Beyond" by C. Khnaisser, H. Hamrouni, D. B. Blumenthal, A. Dignös, and J. Gamper has been selected for the best paper award at ADBIS 2022 in Torino, Italy. Congratulations!
Paper accepted at VLDB 2023
Our paper "Fast and Scalable Mining of Time Series Motifs with Probabilistic Guarantees" by M. Ceccarello and J. Gamper has been accepted for publication at VLDB 2023 in Vancouver, Canada.
Paper accepted in Information Sciences
Our paper "Enumerating dissimilar minimum cost perfect and error-correcting bipartite matchings for robust data matching" by D. B. Blumenthal, S. Bougleux, A. Dignös and J. Gamper has been accepted in Information Sciences. [link]
Paper published in The Journal of Supercomputing
Our paper "APT-Dt-KC: advanced persistent threat detection based on kill-chain model" by M. Panahnejad and M. Mirabi has been published in The Journal of Supercomputing. [link]
Former PhD student David B. Blumenthal won the best PhD student award
We congratulate our former PhD student David B. Blumenthal for winning the best PhD student award from the Faculty of Computer Science of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano for the year 2020. Congratulations David!
Paper published in The Journal of Supercomputing
Our paper "Controller placement in software defined networks using multi-objective antlion algorithm" by M. M. Kazemian and M. Mirabi has been published in The Journal of Supercomputing. [link]
Paper accepted in The VLDB Journal
Our paper "Leveraging Range Joins for the Computation of Overlap Joins" by A. Dignös, M. H. Böhlen, J. Gamper, C. S. Jensen and P. Moser has been accepted for publication in The VLDB Journal.
Paper published in The Journal of Supercomputing
Our paper "Efficient XML data placement schemes over multiple mobile wireless broadcast channels" by S. F. Ozonbolagh and M. Mirabi has been published in The Journal of Supercomputing. [link]
Paper accepted in Information Systems
Our paper "The Role of Local Dimensionality Measures in Benchmarking Nearest Neighbor Search" by M. Ceccarello and Martin Aumüller has been accepted for publication in Information Systems.
Paper accepted in Information Systems
Our paper "Scalable generalized median graph estimation and its manifold use in bioinformatics, clustering, classification, and indexing" by D. B. Blumenthal, N. Boria, S. Bougleux, L. Brun, J. Gamper and B. Gaüzère has been accepted for publication in Information Systems.
Demo accepted at EDBT 2021
Our demo paper "Correlation graph analytics for stock time series data" by T. Liu, P. Coletti, A. Dignös, J. Gamper and M. Murgia has been accepted for publication at EDBT 2021 in Nicosia, Cyprus.
Paper accepted in The VLDB Journal
Our paper "Cache-Efficient Sweeping-Based Interval Joins for Extended Allen Relation Predicates" by D. Piatov, S. Helmer, A. Dignös, and F. Persia has been accepted for publication in The VLDB Journal.
Paper accepted at ICDE 2021
Our research paper "Approximating multidimensional range counts with maximum error guarantees" by M. Shekelyan, A. Dignös, J. Gamper, and M. Garofalakis has been accepted for publication at ICDE 2021 in Chania, Greece.
Paper published in TKDD
Our paper "A General Coreset-Based Approach to Diversity Maximization under Matroid Constraints" by M. Ceccarello, A. Pietracaprina, and G. Pucci has been published in ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data. [link]
Johann Gamper Demo Co-Chair of ICDE 2021
Johann has been appointed Demo Co-Chair of ICDE 2021 in Chania, Crete, Greece.
Johann Gamper re-nominated Vice-Rector of unibz
We congratulate Johann for being re-nominated vice-rector for research and innovation at unibz. [more]
PhD defense of Giovani Mahlknecht
Giovani successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Temporal Aggregation for Data Analytics". Congratulations Giovanni!
Paper accepted in The VLDB Journal
Our paper "Finding k-Shortest Paths with Limited Overlap" by T. Chondrogiannis, P. Bouros, J. Gamper, U. Leser, and D. B. Blumenthal has been accepted for publication in The VLDB Journal.
Paper accepted in Future Generation Computer Systems
Our paper "Improving orienteering-based tourist trip planning with social sensing" by F. Persia, G. Pilato, M. Ge, P. Bolzoni, D. D'Auria, and S. Helmer has been accepted for publication in Future Generation Computer Systems.
PhD defense of David B. Blumenthal
David successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "New Techniques for Graph Edit Distance Computation". Congratulations David!
Paper accepted at SSTD 2019
Our research paper "Period Index: A Learned 2D Hash Index for Range and Duration Queries" by A. Behrend, A. Dignös, J. Gamper, P. Schmiegelt, H. Voigt, M. Rottmann, and K. Kahl has been accepted for publication at SSTD 2019 in Vienna, Austria.
Demo accepted at SSTD 2019
Our demo paper "HOTPERIODS: Visual Correlation Analysis of Interval Data" by N. Duran, G. Mahlknecht, A. Dignös and J. Gamper has been accepted for publication at SSTD 2019 in Vienna, Austria.
Paper accepted in The VLDB Journal
Our paper "Comparing heuristics for graph edit distance computation" by D. B. Blumenthal, N. Boria, J. Gamper, S. Bougleux, and L. Brun has been accepted for publication in The VLDB Journal.
Paper accepted at GbRPR 2019
Our paper "GEDLIB: A C++ Library for Graph Edit Distance Computation" by D. B. Blumenthal, S. Bougleux, J. Gamper, and L. Brun has been accepted for publication at GbRPR 2019 in Tours, France. Check out the code here.
Paper accepted at VLDB 2019
Our paper "Snapshot semantics for temporal mutliset relations" by A. Dignös, B. Glavic, X. Niu, J. Gamper, and M. H. Böhlen has been accepted for publication at VLDB 2019 in Los Angeles, USA.
Johann Gamper nominated Vice-Rector of unibz
We congratulate Johann for being nominated vice-rector for research and innovation at unibz. [more]
SSDBM 2018 in Bozen-Bolzano
We successfully concluded the SSDBM in Bozen-Bolzano. Pictures of the conference and mountain tour are available here.